welcome to the Robertson Chronicles need more? check the archives:Jan 1-April 29 2002/ oct16-dec31 / aug15-oct15 '01 November 3, 2002 Juice with fruit.. A close talker.. the king of awkward moments... a slack jawed gawker.. Halitosis heaven... disillusioned eyes... smile and the words that are endlessly going nowhere.. Appearing at all of the wrong times.. Just when a man gets on a roll he is derailed... heavy saws and chipboard... but wait ...the band! we are a musical group.. We need an allegiance.. Or is that something all together different..
November 1, 2002 1234 knock on the door 5678 who do we appreciate 9101112 aint nothing wrong with an ear infection.. I need sleep October 31, 2002 Pension plan... an artists pension is their body of work.. And when the bell tolls we will find out if it is worth anything at all.. because it will be then when the idea of cool will look very stupid. As they say hindsight is 20/20... Work ethic is something all together different but yet will fruit things when the proper procedures are undertaken. Procedures- that section of a science paper you could copy directly from one of the smart peoples papers... It should be all the same.. It was years before I really understood that lesson and to this day I am constantly relearning it. But what does all of this have to do with a band website?... you ever Been told that nothing in music is ever new.. It has all been done before.. Its the old "Oh you are trying to be like...so and so"... to which I say.. We are the Internet band generation.. There are no rules! lots of reasons to disagree with that statement but EH! That is my answer to any of them. A close talker, King of the awkward moments.. a genuine pain in the ass kind of person.. Time to be a model citizen
October 27, 2002 Slack on writing, slack on posting...Too many assignments to even attempt to keep up to date. Time to plow through some of the little things.. There is a food based gathering tonight... a rainy day.. a good time to get the oven on to heat up the joint. Rate determining step the great Chemistry metaphor... recall. One substance binds to another, which then binds to another, which releases something. Or more simply A+B+C=D... A and B can join 100 times a second. AB and C can bind 50 times a second. The question is at what rate is D synthesized.. The answer being 50 times a second. A conclusive statement would read like ... the step AB to C is the rate limiting step in this reaction (often reaction would be written Rxn.. But I am digressing).. moments ago in fact I found myself in the kitchen devouring a mango yogurt blueberry milk concoction.. ahh Peace is a rose in a garden... but is that subliminal thought.. oh but don't talk of poetry that shit walks all over me.
October 21, 2002 Too many fucking morons in this world. I refuse to even justify that comment.. If it makes no sense then your even blind or you have unconditional love for everything.. And although the latter is very commendable I cannot relate.. Roadbed stomped the balls this weekend.. This is a very good thing.. a reminder of a group of people with a good professional working relationship. We need to go out on tour and never come back. Very true statement Robertson.. Metaphorical and accurate.. Good for the times.. We are just so much different than most other bands around here.. We are different people with a different agenda.. a mission statement to do with a well defined work ethic.. That is the goal.. To produce works, to perform works, to be original ... A bio gets written by a salesman, an image gets stamped by the mold of the moment, money makes money.
October 19, 2002 Plumbing... a slippery slope to the depths of insanity.. Electrical.. What the fuck it the difference between 110v and 120v... there is something going on there.... Why would a dishwasher bought in Canada say that it must be connected to 120v... I my house we have 110v or 220v...(two 110v run together so I am told) . I have also been told 120v means 110v. There are other typos in the dishwasher manual ... like a picture of a tap labeled"wire nuts"... Does the USA run on 120v and 240v.. And hence this is labeled like this and 110v will do the trick. An annoying little dilemma that rots in the mind like a cavity... makes me feel like misspelling a few words, using avant guard grammar and doing whatever the fuck else I feel like doing... when does precision matter? probably when somebody with money says it does... and then a lion yawns in Africa.
October 15, 2002 CT is home.. The woman who yelled "MR let it go" at Carl Fatman when he was rustling with a cat during the Carl Fatman Show. It is the little details that go to tape every now and then that keep it interesting. I went to a free turkey dinner in London Ontario about 12 years ago.. It was a church congregation drive and I wanted no part of that.. I was particularly hungry though.. I went as Steve van Heron and Rodney went as Doug Moore.. Our roommate's at the time.. Our logic was that if the church came a calling at a later date Steve and Doug would have to do the talking. It is that weird feeling of having a man of god look you in the eye and call you by another name and then ask you something sincere about yourself.. And you look him back in the eye an begin to shovel the shit. Not many people have a taste for this so called "high drama art"... Badcock and could do anything on no money..we could even get into movies for free.. I remember going home for Christmas and going to see a movie with another friend.. I instinctively slipped through a crack and then heard this nasally voice "Mark you haven't paid.. You have to go over hear and pay".. I remember freezing just the brain but the legs kept on walking.. a little faster.. Get around the corner
October 14, 2002 Turkey soup... The carcass vs S. Robertson- Is the pot not big enough.. Nothing a little brute force can't handle. Brute force and boiling water do not mix well.. Scald Robertson
October 13, 2002 Holiday Sunday afternoon.. Listening to 80 retro Internet radio.. Eating pies, soon to be drinking coffee.. Gently coming down from last nights fear high... whoa My sherona I was listening to an extended version... now Rock and roll high school.... We had in our house a computer and a set of Powered Altec Lansing computer speakers... the 2 have married. Disaster has now struck.. The Coffee maker was not plugged it.. On the verge of a nervous breakdown.. I think some Tomas Dolby Is there a song called I'm Living on fashion planet ?.... a little chorus deduction.. Just changed the channel.. To many fucking decisions this morning.. Make that afternoon... Hey I found "do the hustle".. Kinda like that song Superficial Dance Band. Can't think straight with all of this infernal racket.. Good old electronic... a mindless disease.. Just keep pounding away occupying a void but not really taking up too much space. October 11, 2002 The hack is back and he's writing songs that go like... Yea that's my union card and I shop at the brick.. de da de da. As an artist the further one goes down a path things begin to make sense. Create it, live it and it will begin to take form.. With a steady work ethic you will find that you can fruit ideas. I have written 10 albums with the help from some of my friends... 5 are currently available.. Or at leased released in some capacity.. I have more alter egos than most people already committed to institutions of our fine state. The word state sounds so American.. I guess I should use the word province.. But alas I regress.. Into what? Another story of unrelated topic.. Sure why not Avoid nesting geese The Canada Goose can be a very territorial animal that will viciously defend it's nesting grounds.. I have a scar on my ass to prove it. We were up in some place called Killarney.. It was a Leadership camp I managed to get involved in in high school.. There was a pair of nesting geese and the game was to get as close as you could.. I of course won the game much to the amusement of my fellow classmates. I remember fleeing at top speed hearing the flapping of wings, the hissing and the snapping of a beak... men aren't suppose to be afraid of birds. Tell that to the guy I saw out at UBC who had been "swooped" by an aggressive Barred Owl.. He had blood on his forehead.. Then there was the guy at the Pickering field naturalists club the brought in a golden eagle.. He had the leather arm protection that didn't do much good once the Eagle got a hold of his shoulder... you could see paralysis in his eyes as his neck twitched and he bent over forward. One man even jumped up to offer assistance but was stopped like a bad check by two inches of Eagle beak.. The kind of evolutionarily adaptation that allows flesh to be torn off with ease. Later that night when we were going home my father said that it is rude to laugh at things like that. Those eagles are tough customers.. Some have been known to take small deer in times of crisis.
October 10, 2002 Listening to the song Junk, a Jackass has haybreath number... There is an unbelievably beautiful sample... I love it. There was a night one time ago where the master tape went back on the chopping block... There was intense confusion and a very strange feeling in the air.. And today when I burst into the Control Room to talk to ACM about the possibility of moving a gig from one venue to another. Make that... Earlier today it was reported that Willingdon Black took a visit from Roadbed kingpin Super Robertson.. The two locked antlers over the Location of a Roadbed/ Stoke / 21 tandem repeats gig. Willingdon black looked down a lot and scratched his head.. He then waffled for a while and spent some time mumbling.. Super Robertson who at that time had miraculously fallen asleep was rudely awoken with some more humming and hawing.. It is believed that the gig will take place at the Railway Club on December 5th.
October 9, 2002 The edge is fluid. One of the lessons of cell Biology is that the cell membrane is fluid... able to change in order to meet it's needs with respect to it's surroundings. Every once in a while I try to remind myself to be like the cell membrane... I do have a few million inside me. The other thing is that I often try not to define things.. This is what is going to happen exactly.. I find that that can actually close options. Salvador dali said it best "If I knew what my painting was going to look like when it was done there would be no point in painting it".. people say he was crazy.. And he probably was... in fact after he did his famous Lobster telephone he went into a restaurant and ordered the lobster. He said the he will never be able to understand why the waiter didn't serve him a cooked telephone. Strange world eh!.. things like that look better with time.. I'm sure the waiter had his own life with his own problems and just wanted to do his defined job... serving a distinguished artist a cooked telephone could cost him his job if it didn't go over well. What does this all relate to? It has to do with the Carl Fatman show... the question Why? the answer lies in a gut feeling I have on how to make it in entertainment as a Musical Artist. An independent community of artists needs many formats.. Not just playing in bars until something magical happens.. We need to cut our teeth in many different mediums. Egomaniac or self starter.. Probably a bit of both.. Nonetheless it is time to get some work done an I feel alive for some strange reason,
October 8, 2002 One of my greatest problems lately has been suffering from insomnia.. It almost feels good being able to identify the problem. I am a Zombie. My eyes don't really work anymore.. My body feels empty. It feels like I am caught in an Echo. I just had an idea.. Since my parents came 10 days ago I haven't been playing my daily music.. Interesting. That is that other concept of having no space for the last 10 days I have already ruined next weekend by offering to help to consult on The Carl Fatman Show. It actually happened by accident.. One of those things you say to somebody at work at 7:30 in the morning... You know we could play some music and help out.... as you read that let that statement echo for effect. Or is that affect... stupid English language.. It think it is effect which means that it probably is affect
October 1, 2002 A new month.. One of my favorite's. I like the fall... more cool and crisp than the others. The sunlight still has some power to it.. In the sense of photography. Oh I wish I knew how to use the English language.. But alas I wipe the sleep from my eyes and it is all the same. Mule made an interesting point.. Or at least brought me around to thinking an interesting point. It has of course to do with our "friendly pot" debate.. But now my father has interrupted me and clarity has failed. How about since it affects many people in many ways particular laws will not fit this nut... maybe there should be no laws legal or illegal.. Is there any law for or against eating chocolate.. Like I mean it is bad for you.. It can induce diabetes, cause obesity, give a sense of euphoria to the eater, it will rot teeth, and it can become addictive.. yum I think I'll go have some chocolate.
September 29, 2002 The fan is a very loud game.... another small job that has the potential to become a very large job when all reasonable errors are to be considered. Fan, foe or friend... that thing about if /when I ever make it to a Roadbed quiz night. I would say friend. What you need is a good war every now and then to "shift the platform".... a chance for new descriptions as the new environment evolves.
September 27, 2002 CARL FATMAN for mayor of Vancouver.. Even I had to think that that was a good Idea when I heard it. A man with his finger on the pulse of the neighborhood.. Or is that his thumb. It is details like this that pop up in these Roadbed quizzes. Still I shall get behind Carl's campaign even if he is not officially registered... which he may or may not be. An opportunity for an all out grassroots attack.. The kind of postering campaign that will make others look foolish. Carl Fatman for Mayor.... a Salmon in every pot, damn the Olympic bid.. a watchdog on the head post. Moments after writing this our hero is dragged off to a mental hospital.
September 25, 2002 Earl Parrish.. That is hilarious. Probably some dude out there putting 2 and 2 together... If Earl ever comes to a Roadbed show I got a free shirt for him.. That is my kind of guy. Maybe it is time for some new shirts.. Probably too much like work though. In another unrelated topic there are beginning to be many links to the 21 tandem site.... this is awkward.. I need more songs up there.. Being only represented by JBL has certain innate disadvantages. It is time to get that band up and running.. Anyone interested in playing in 21 tandem repeats get in touch with me. Maybe our good man Earl Parrish can play... this came today... I will throw it out there as a further discussion on our little pot thing. Good work. New 2 things. If someone misuses something you blame the habit and not the thing. Except for handguns and other firearms whose purpose are to kill people (as opposed to hunt for food) and cannot be compared to knives or such whose purposes are NOT to kill (people), especially since there are no drive-by knifings last I checked. A for smoking being effective, it is that but it is not the most efficient. It is the most inefficient method, but again we must blame the method and NOT the thing. If I misuse Aspirin or caffeine you will blame the misuer (*** not a real word) and not the Aspirin or caffeine. Cog in the machine? Spanner in the works!
September 24, 2002 Weasel overcome but not without the damage done From the They Might be Giants song Everything right is wrong again. I haven't bought any TMBG since the album Jonh Henry... an album which I eventually liked. Dirt Bike is just a wonderful song. Another topic..ie: that is the extent of the review.. Unlike the good Mule I feel it more difficult to to write about these things. It has something to do with my sense of clarity in combination with my intense inability to comprehend the job at hand... given all of that juicy Irony .. that do what I say and not what I do bit. I also tend to deal with music on a song basis... probably why my records are all over the place and lack a smooth ride if you know what I mean. Although I would say that the first 6 songs on Represented had that going on.. But we weren't really a band back then.. Just some guys with some songs. I am glad we went the way we went though Soon you will hear why. September 23, 2002 "it is going to take a long time to recover from this" nothing like a good grudge. Kind of like some people own an apple farm and they are picking there wears.. One person is throwing the apples into a basket and is told not to do that as it will bruise the apples. The response is to never pick apples again.. And the farm goes out of business. Every aspect of my life is like this and it annoys me. I always seem to take the rap though because I am this and that and the other thing.. Or is it just that I accept criticism where others do not.. And hence a pattern begins. In music I always try to see the other side.. Often there isn't one.. Just and expression of sorts.. Sometimes I see myself as a tireless mule that just keeps getting whipped but somehow lumbers on. If I treated the people around me (besides WB and Hey Rock and to a lesser extent the Mule) as they treated me they would no longer be around me.. And I would be alone and sad.. Which is kind of how I feel now. I guess I should just soak up the feeling and skip all of the turmoil.
September 22, 2002 "It is very hazardous to your health." How do you figure? I hope this isn't some lame smoking argument because smoking is not at all necessary for injesting the Herb and it is in fact the most inefficient method. For a scientist, you are out of the loop my friend ! "SOMEBODY SPOOKED WILLINGDON BLACK" This I would come to see. This I would like. Good old Smash... at least I need not worry about him getting all sissy about me posting a letter written by him... yada yada. Nevertheless this is my pickle to get out of. My original attack was an outrage on some other Journalistic opinion piece that was anti pot... This stemmed from the fact that the author was tired of waiting ten minutes for her coffee because the employee was presumably stoned. Trying to avoid and attack on a friend my anger was unfocused.... I was discussing this with a doctor.. And then the Idea that if you are going to attack pot then attack its weaknesses.. And there are some very great weaknesses.. You either understand that or you don't. Because people who have never done drugs and who would never do drugs do not understand the same things that people who do. And of those that do do drugs there are several hundred thousand concepts on the sense of self with respect to a workable environment. And it is about now that we realize that it is all futile because we happen to notice characteristics of concepts. With that thought in mind we realize the difference between our decisions.. And the decisions that affect the way that we are governed. And then you think about the media and what makes a good headline. And yea it is hazardous to your health, your physical and mental health when misused. Many are natural misusers And smoking is a very effective method to deliver a drug.. Possibly not a very effective way of maximizing and enjoying the high with respect to slowly slipping into the new reality... so I have been told
Look for this and other greats in my new book "Letters from Smash".. with an introductory transcript of a Telephone Conversation had earlier this year. ***** misusers is not a word
September 19, 2002 I went and corrected part of the September 17th computer error... this will nullify the significance.. Yet for the Album title. Many listens to the new record have produced a feeling of "yea I'm glad I was part of making this"... a certain mature confidence.. Very open.... no real obvious attempt to do anything but to play the songs. The production has gotten better on all fronts.. It is beginning to fit the music like a glove.. More appropriate sounding. Uncle Cheapskate... as a title to me sounds good... there is no concept behind it.. a few parallels could be drawn (how little it cost us comes to mind). I think the real truth lies in the fact that it is so all over the board in terms of song ideas and styles that it would be sure death to try to sell it as a concept album... Uncle Cheapskate does a good job of leveling that platform. It would surly be an insult to one who was of the mindset that "titles are very important" and in a way I can get behind that.. But in another way I would rather not. One day this will be irrelevant... I can't wait.
September 17, 2002 I have a feeling that it is actually September 17.. I sense a computer error that may be part of a bigger problem... Too many numbers to crunch.. Better that than a blotch on our good man Carl fatman's face if you know what I mean. SOMEBODY SPOOKED WILLINGDON BLACK.. I was thinking of calling the new Roadbed record that.. I am sure that suggestion will be met with optimum hostility.. Barring that I will push for Uncle Cheapskate. Fuck those guys.. No ideas just "mmm I don't know".. I remember when I thought it would be cool to release my own records.. They would sit on the shelf with the others... It is like that feeling is long gone. Kind of like garbage swept away in a rainstorm. Night time.. Roadbed rehearsals canceled for the week.. So I go down to the Shockcenter to lay down drums.. And now I am very annoyed at my inability to drum.. Very annoyed.. Wild and angry... that frustrating struggle of a chick hatching from a thick eggshell... so it takes longer and then the back starts to hurt but I am to stubborn to stop...later he has dual pain.. Physical and mental.
September 16, 2002 Long time no update... My back is fucked. Somebody said to me yesterday "you know what i don't understand.. How come nobody has ever reviewed your records or your live shows".. a good point indeed. Not entirely true but basically.. The more accurate point is that we have never been reviewed by somebody who doesn't know us. I'm sure if I began drinking at the Railway club 5 night's a week we would sooner or later get reviewed.. Provided I said the right things to the right people. There is a definite political angle to anything in this world.. Play the game.. Back to why a man like Smash is important.. Not a quiet shy type when it comes to things like this.. And that's a good thing. You can let the music do the talking but before that can happen you need to get it heard. That is when you need to be a well spoken madman who is sure to let you know that he is not going away. Either that or you can start your own media juggernaut. Like I mean I have been playing live and released 5 CD's and three cassettes since 1996... and in that time I can count 8 reviews. The most recent I was chastised for swiping off of Difficult Music and posting On Roadbedonline.. Another good friend of mine who I am sure is still more peeved that I ruined some Husker Du song years ago on that fateful night than any "illegal postings". In all of those reviews except for 1 in which Knockin dog was described as a band that did a sloppy parody of a reggae song and then a sloppy parody of a country song and then a ... and finished with "it is better that they do this than rob liquor stores".. we didn't know that guy.. All of the other reviews were favorable
September 11, 2002 But if we spent all the money we had to fix our way of life.. Would our life indeed be better. That is why the harvest is so good.. a moment of plenty.. An everything is OK today kind of vibe. Some XXXXXcensoredXXX sent me an E-mail damming the legalization of pot. Sure it would be better if we could just snap our fingers and then drugs didn't exist.. But that aint going to happen. "The Herb" was legal in Jamaica until the government got into the Cocaine trade.. Then it became illegal. Do the math on that one.. Who is looking out for who. Why can't we as a society educate each other and become stronger.. Why can't we use the knowledge that we have for the greater good. I remember hearing this one time "Politics is the art of keeping people away from the issues that concern them". Maybe if life wasn't so shitty people wouldn't need to escape... also they are cutting people off of welfare these days... don't hear too much about that.. Pot makes better press. I think the general idea is to cut the welfare.. Then the crime rate goes up (most of the people are truly not well.. The kind that can't really work) then hire more police.. The money just gets shifted over to the other side while the average person replaces doors windows and argues with insurance claim officers over deductibles. I deliver mail to many a welfare recipients.. And for the small amount of money they get.. That goes back into the economy for housing and food I don't mind paying taxes. I talk to a lot of these people... most are good people who suffer from mental illness.. They truly have no alternative... they will be on the streets with nothing left to loose and we will point our finger at them and say "deranged criminals look what pot did to them.. We need more surveillance"... I guess the point is that me and society don't see eye to eye. So I move out west to Vancouver to form a rock and roll band and then a band called Nickelback becomes the pride of Canada (that was said on the radio). Back to the pot thing... It is very hazardous to your health.. Are we aware of that or have we forgotten in a wave of organic craziness.. Also it is cool these days...therefore a mind altering substance gets taken for the wrong reason... And yes many very successful and intelligent people use it.. And no it doesn't always lead to ruin... more like one who is prone to ruin will not be inclined to pass it up when the time comes. Many people smoke pot and then smoke it more and more often until they are always high... or are they anymore. It does change the perspective.. It also promotes lassitude. We all know those people who are always late because the sat on the couch and smoked grass and the time slipped on by. On the other hand it can induce laughter.. And help to create a climate which in turn can inspire creativity (if one is prone to this behavior).... It is a tough call I sure as hell don't think it should be illegal... There are places in Europe where normal and effective citizens have pot plants on their rooftops where they sit together and have nice dinners and talk about the issues of our times. My only problem is giving our youth the idea that it is a good thing to do... because I really don't think it is something that is good for a young mind.. What I mean is that the drug itself seems to change reality.. Or at least gives this illusion.. And that is a very dangerous thing. I think that is what Aurthor Millar meant when he said "Drugs will be the Achilles heel of mankind". The point being that drugs are not going to leave us.. Just like money and politicians it is an evil that is part of humankind.. Shouldn't we be killing somebody rather than waste time with this gibberish
September 10, 2002 Holy mackerel.. Damn Stoke site gone done and upstaged me again.. They have a Chronicles and a guestbook... about 20 x more hits than us... Thank god for Carl Fatman... as long as he doesn't defect to the Stoke camp completely. Word has it that he is almost completed a Stoke special. I have been listening to Blackalicious Blazing arrow.. It is brilliant... Track 8 is called paragraph president .. one of the best tracks I have ever heard.
September 9, 2002 In some ways you could say that I am screwed... I half an hour I am due to start 4-tracking in an outdoor pavilion on Granville Island.. It is windy and I am sick.. We have no transportation and there is much to move... Rather than working to solve my problems I type out gibberish between swells of heat fever. In another way of looking at it.. So much is wrong that it has to be good... you need good stress for good art. It still doesn't feel like that time I walked into the Final Cell biology exam in 2nd year university without a lick of knowledge... I was truly fucked then.. Even more than I could realize at the time... It was calm and I didn't even have the energy to "create answers"... If I can avoid catching pneumonia all will be well.. And in retrospect it will be a small bump in the graph
September 8, 2002 I am sick.. I don't need this shit right now.. Just a mild constant stinging in the right side of my throat.. Some congestion... It is the fact that I have to work all day tomorrow morning afternoon and night. That fact is like the metaphorical wasp on my insect. I was going to use flower over insect but that would be wrong.. It would sound better on an initial reading but it would not wash. For the wasp is the protector of the garden... and a pollinator... it is a viscous carnivore that takes a dint out of the hazardous insect population.. Not quite as efficient as some high powered industrial insecticides but they have there drawbacks. I even miss the way the world was when I was growing up.. The idea of personal space... go and get lost in the woods long enough to actually catch the fear... My sister swore that if we ever got out she would by a book on animal tracks.. She at the time was sure we were being tracked by a pack of wolves. On that very piece of earth there now sits a subdivision... somebody is complaining that their neighbor's BBQ smoke is invading their right to a peaceful afternoon. I have decided not to promote our Live 4track Venture that will occur tomorrow on Granville island between the Market and the Cement Factory from 7-11... I think it is better that way... Sorry Leica but it would be just two much to try to explain to people.. I gave it a shot yesterday day in the gym when I ran into a couple of Roadbed people... By the time I was done explaining what was going to happen.. When it was going down and a Vague description of the location to which I am not too sure myself but figure I will be able to figure it out when the time comes to answer the bell. The real annoying thing it that the Kook that is Organizing the Street Party where we were suppose to play at 7;30 has moved out slot ahead to 6;30. Which in a sense means that we could have done it on the Saturday that we were originally offered... which would beat the shit out of Monday the tomorrow. Probably for the best.. Word came down that the Saturday was the last and most busiest night of the fringe festival... I think too many people could hinder a good old 4 track operation. .. Probably the best show I ever played was at the Cottage Bistro.. I was solo opening for Rubicon.. They did their usual effort at promotion and the place was empty.. The result was that when you began to sing and play you could hear the natural reverb of the room.. There was nobody there to talk over the set and as a result you got to play with the dynamics.. And reach the power of the songs... Rubicon as well took advantage of this and played one of there best shows ever. Everybody wants lots of people.. The bar owner, the promoter, and the ego of the musician... If nobody is there then all is lost/ or is it? Why play and make music... It is good for the soul.
September 7, 2002 I must do something productive said the man.. But he said it in his head and he forgot the punctuation marks. Period, the idea has been concluded. There is a disco ball on the table.. Where will it get hung? Maybe it will dust on the table.. Until a blanket like snow survives it. Money.. Makes the world go round... stops short because its heart is cold and inanimate. Two honey bees fed on the orchid's in the afternoon.. There is a hawk in the neighborhood.... not too many pigeons around. I think we need a Peregrine Falcon on the roof.. I should really look into that! A damn good idea if I don't say so myself. The right kind of productiveness that we need around here. We have to do this 4 track thing on Monday... Holy Shit! I think we might be doing something that hasn't been done before (it probably has given the common sense and good odds with respect to the sure numbers)...I remember talking to a Jamaican man about Shaba Ranks and Ninja Man.. He said "Shaba him a record man and Ninja Man him a mosh up live" ...He Went on to say how in Jamaica if they don't like you they Stone you off the Stage.... He said " dem a stone criss cross, den a stone Ziggie Marley, dem a stone (others ).. but them a NEVER STONE NINJA MAN! Where was my point.. It lay somewhere in the fact that Recording and Live are two very different things... The Beatles found this out when they attempted to film themselves making an album... many hairy incidences went to tape and the band saw its twilight. We are giving more of a demonstration.. a how to kind of vibe... spread the school so that the era can be reborn on the principles of a human brain giving human hands instructions to carry out an idea. September 3, 2002 The fan has a new sound.. Like there is something rattling in the pipe. Kind of like a leaf when it gets in the air ducts of a car. Just a minor annoyance but there none the less. I will rid myself of this cell phone very soon. Sure it come in handy sometimes but I don't like the kind of money I am paying in telecommunications these days. ROADBED is finding a new era and I am liking it very much.. Just when things look like the thundercloud will never let up is when you get the light you need. I think I like the new record and I am beginning to accept it as a record of what we did. Another large body of work that just needs to be classified. Much like Knockout Hits it maintains the Rock and Jazz elements and there is those few numbers that do something else all together. I will now concentrate on the next major ROADBED video. WE have been offered professional help and I will take it. A lesson for myself as I secretly work on another song's video... always quiet in the shadows. Soon will come the inevitable discussions about "how to promote this as the big one"... later I will be Putting some posters on some of my favorite spots and everything will be normal again. WE need a man like Smash.. An articulate soul who is not afraid to tell the big boys who to listen to. They never learn but I guess that is their job. Make that I know that is their job.. Just like my job is to provide an alternative to be laughed out of the loop. No Shindig this year.. I have given too much of my money and time to that Tuesday night festival for the past 6 years. I don't really feel like it is a "fuck them" attitude rather I no longer see it as a means to anything productive. I feel reborn these days (in the wake of an unspeakable disaster) and that is a good thing. I learned that when the unspeakable happens the birds still sing and as Mike said "and somewhere in Africa a lion yawns". Thank god I don't watch television... I have food, an excellent place to live, a Job, a killer band, more aliases than most of you, a 4 track and about 25 High bias cassettes ($0.78 at a blowout price).. Time is the hunter and it will show the truth
September 2, 2002 Early morning September 2nd that is.... I am still digesting what happened on September 1. A thought is this... It has been a very long time since I have seen news footage of the planes hitting the World Trade center... I have seen ample footage if street level stuff and the burning aftermath. I wonder if they are saving that footage for an anniversary special .. maybe to reinspire a hunger for war. But what do I know.. And it is easy for me to sit in a chair and criticize a war that I am not fighting... Like I mean I would like to see all that money we made in the last few decades spent on realigning how humans live in this world with emphasis on the environment. Take all of those billions of dollars and put them back into your Country so that you no longer rely on fossil fuels... just a crazed thought induced by mind altering substances On a holiday Monday Morning.. That is why I am awake, because I don't have to work tomorrow. Getting up in the morning to go to work is such a cruel shock to the system. I still haven't adjusted and it has been many years. I like nighttime.. It is quiet yet silence is broken by the occasional muttering of crazies like me. ABNORMAL... It is normal with AB in front of it... a prefix. ab as a prefix means away from; opposite to. It can also refer to a cgs unit of measurement in the electromagnetic system.. Like a abampere or abvolt. I happen to be electric and not normal ... I have been struck by lightning... and there has been talk in the bedroom of a sense of electricity.. I wince at writing that only for the fact that it is oddly true. Kind of like static bet it doesn't really behave like static electricity .. it continues... static would release with a sudden pop... This seems more like a very weak current that has a source.. It is not even a particularly sexual thing rather a point of interest.
August 29, 2002 Roadbed members Super Robertson and Shockk will demonstrate the decisive art of 4 track recording. In a live session ROADBED kingpins will go through the recording process and produce creative works before your ears. Audience members will get a ÒBehind the scenesÓ attack from a Òfly on the wallÓ perspective. Distinguished Journalist Carl Fatman has this to say when he heard of the news... ÒWOW.. That could be big.. But it could backfire and give away too many Roadbed trade secretsÓ. So where were we.. Somewhere in the calm before the storm of creativity and analog technical wizardry that Roadbed members Super Robertson and Shockk will unleash on __ at this time___. Lets work with something like that SR That is a blatant pathetic attempt to pretend that I was actually doing my writing exercises. In other strange news I have become a Teacher.. Technically I am giving guitar lessons but more accurately I am teaching how to play music, what to think about, things to ignore.. Things that you must understand. I taught my first lesson today.... My Student has very good dexterity and a good sense of rhythm.. It is exciting indeed. We accomplished 5 things.. Three simple chords.. Never break the flow of your strumming at any cost... how to move up the neck (Super Robertson style).. as well we covered the foundations of who we are and what we want and where playing guitar comes in. If anything I have become inspired.. I must think about our next lesson.. I am becoming obsessed with doing a good job and a warning bell goes off in ye old head... I must remember that the student does not have my mind yet a beautiful mind of her own.... I must lay a good foundation so that she can find her songs.
August 27, 2002 I hate technology mostly because it symbolizes the great change in our world. It is the irreversible evolution toward non thought. Keep the masses happily occupied.. Keep them from realizing the gap between rich and poor or smart and dumb. At the same time I embrace technology.. It makes things easy for me.. Keeps me somewhat organized. The evolution of computers ability to handle information that when presented falls under the classification of art. There is that word again like a poison cacti in a barren desert. Don't go near it man! ...a little voice in the back of my head speaks. But the real truth is that I must be drunk with the cacti juice from time to time.. As a point of Science of course.. You don't know what it is until you are infused with it. Take treeplanting.. Everybody thinks that they will know what it is all about... until they get there.. Like I mean it is a little frosty in the morning an it is time for some physical labor... Now get one in every 8 feet and not too close... dig down until you hit soil.. Now walk over that bramble and do it again until the 30 lb. of trees becomes none and you do it again.. Oh it is raining now. A lot of people leave after 2 days with a cold look in there eye. I remember a man in particular.. His face read anger and anger.. He had just seen hell and he was mad at his friend who brought him there. I still say Independent Rock and Roll is the hardest dollar going... I have seen more fools fall apart after 3 rehearsals than I have met good treeplanters.
August 26, 2002 Things are unique in the world of Fardad.. He had big dream about living large.. But a string of bad decisions had him in a position where his future was mortgaged to a life of labor. But tonight he was drunk and everything was OK. He could spend most days in a state of dreamlike bliss so in some ways he was better off than myself. But life was starting to call in some dews.. It was kind of like waking up one day and realizing that you couldn't always do what you wanted. This comes as a nasty shock and it pays big dividends to learn that early. Fardad stood still attracting debts like static dust.. If he only could just dream hard enough maybe everything would come together. A rebel who offered no resistance to the system.. Sure he swore at the television and he was what some referred to as a credit card drunk.. On a continual last hurrah.
August 25, 2002 Hello Super, I am at the Fringe office 9-5:30 weekdays. You are more than welcome to call my Fringe cell at *** **** anytime. The space is the open air yet covered building between the cement factory and the market. It was originally built and supplied with power for the purpose of carving totem poles but hasn't been used a whole lot since. You are welcome to do whatever you want - play music, project film, hang art...weirdness is yours to reap. ##### Well hot damn this may be what the good soul needs.. I defiantly needed something to direct my absolute hate from Telus. It is just a sign of the times.. One big corporation that already has your money.. And there shit doesn't work and there is a network of automated tellers that will keep you on line for hours until they hang up on you. Like I mean I can understand that everybody is trying to get help.. That is what happens when things don't work.. Forget about it Robertson.. I must work on my totem pole carving.. Maybe it is time to lead a seminar on how to make a voodoo doll in the likeness of the head honcho at telus... then I can stab the shit out of it with a rusty nail and throw it into the ocean. In fact that would make me feel better. Or perhaps a puppet show about a phone conversation I had with a telus agent... maybe I should just play some songs... or some double drumming with the Shockker. The day slipped by anyway. Aint that always the case. If you don't go down the road then you don't get to choose at the forks. The pivotal decisions that make us who we are are often made in an instant. An automated response.. Natural instincts.. Birds may not understand why they fly south for the winter... those that don't need to evolve quickly.. More often than not their kind are selected against by the elements of season change. I remember some news story about a hummingbird in Toronto in the early winter.. It seems that someone was hosting a hummingbird feeder... There was no follow up to that story.. And I remember it being a long cold winter. Maybe it was just waiting for the geese to fly south
August 24, 2002 Bored.. Or is it just comforting silence... Update shows how out of date things can become. Roadbed on the road.. The wheel's have spun for so long that I am now in a trench.. And if we were to storm the opposition would we become prey to the steadfast sniper.
August 23, 2002 Stars... the kind you see in a full boar stress to the system... it is often an instant of force. Crossing the blueline with your head down after you have repeatedly taunted the opposition's defensive unit.
August 22, 2002 Stoke was unbelievable last night... I am going to have to fire off a letter to the local newspapers later today.. This is the kind of band we need.. a band to look up to.. The can play they can write... Best drummer going hands down, Willingdon Black is second to none.. He can carry a tune while playing lead.. His feel is unique and deadly... Smash Is Rock solid and his tone is mountainous.. They are the ones.. I demand people subscribe to Stoke. They are 10 times the bands that lay claim to the throne of Vancouver Rock.
August 21, 2002 Another day just like yesterday.. I make what I can is what I am.. Balance don't do too much of one thing. Like biodiversity.. You need everything to be healthy. It is like new fad diets.. They get fame and then fade away because ultimately they don't work. Common sense is something that is not for sale. And in fact it is discouraged.. It is not good for the economy and defiantly not good for the power structure of the human population. Time magazine had an interesting point.. Humans cannot destroy the planet.. As the planet will just shake them off and carry on.. But hey we are doing OK.. in fact as we go we are taking many with us.. a feat not easily accomplished.. And we are doing it all by ourselves. So lets give ourselves a good clap on the back.. We will be famous in our own minds. Some people tell me that I am famous.. I correct them.. I believe the word is notorious. "Notoriety can really hurt you if you want to be pro.." From a song The legend of Knockin' Dog.. I sang that but I regress.. I don't think notoriety can really hurt you.. I actually never believed that.. My partner at the time did believe that... or at least gave that as an excuse to justify doing nothing.. As a result I was bound to that concept. To me it was always irony. "I like irony but not that much".. Smash in an e mail to me the other day. I would agree tht it is always harder to enjoy your own cadging.
August 20, 2002 I need routine speckled with the unordinary.. As a whole it makes sense. I bet I spelt that damn word wrong... If something has been experienced that is shall be easy to relate.. Barring of course the inevitable articulation difficulties. The point is this is what happened... I was excited about going fishing and furious when I caught nothing.. There was a small perch on the line that gave me the slip at the last moment.. I was mad I wanted to catch a fish... I obsessed on this an began the process of not enjoying being on lake Kapikog fishing from a sturdy boat as the sun set. CT had a book and there were no flies.. She could read (if there were flies then she could not read and instead have to swat incessantly)... rather it was me frantically changing lures.. Making sacrifices and sworn statements to the fishing gods. There were two pair of loons on the lake and there was some display dancing and a little vicious nipping going on.. And me casting and reeling feeling that the big bite was just around the corner.. But it never came... I had to do some high speed doughnuts in the middle of the lake (to avoid the flies, see the panoramic view, and add some lethal excitement) later on after the sun was long gone and we had to find our way home.. Of course not everybody on board felt that that was a necessary thing to do. Rock and roll is a bit like fishing... many do it for the big bite.. The thrills just around the corner. "Not that many fish left in the world no more" ...derelict stranger to super Robertson during a night of drinking at the Cambie... we also discussed poison that night.. He was an alcoholic and that was his poison.. His advise was to run from the idea of being an artist in this world. Me I still don't care.. I kinda feel like my existence is like a protest vote. I wouldn't have traded that night of fishing for anything.
August 19, 2002 WE need more light in this here room mumbled the man.. "Which room?" she asked patiently.. "The thinktank".. very strange indeed. This bloody mess is over a year old now thought the man... and then there was silence, well there was the humm of the fan but it was constant.. The method is that you turn the dehumidifier on to provide a good volume of white noise while you wait for the loudmouth to go to sleep. That is why I walked the beach.. The sky is stars and the ground is water on one side sand on the other.. Warm for the feet and it just goes on and on forever. It is amazing what can happen when you let your thoughts go... that is of course when you are not crippled by a decisive rate limiting step that is generally referred to as keyboarding. I think that is what they call it in school.. I was talking to a guy on the weekend.. One of my rage heroes.. And his complaint of the moment was that Schools do not train people to think rather they train them to fit in to society..... the general idea is to accept the status quo. One of the first lessons in education one must learn and accept is the idea that you don't want to go upsetting the ways of the school. Schools get funding by the population of students... (this is especially true of private schools).. What people care about is grade point averages.. That equals post secondary education opportunities where the promised land awaits. Therefore you send your kid to the best school.. Where the grade point average is highest. So for Christ sakes don't fail anyone.. And make sure they all get into University.. It is not what you know rather when you know it August 5, 2002 Busy like a bee. Pun intended. But I feel more like a flower than a weed... I am actually a weed but I look like a flower. Actually I look like a human. I painted today.. Good for the soul I also went to war with a motor vehicle... well I sent in the heavy artillery a toe truck.. Manned by a fast talking little Portuguese man.. It was all about cash... God help us when all transactions are electronic.. And then boom one day some bastard hits a button and he gets all our money... what are you going to do about it ? Anyway it doesn't matter that is crazy talk.. Nobody would put a dishonest person in charge. That would be silly July 30, 2002
July 30, 2002 all payments are about to become due again.. I am a failure. I had potential but I blew it.. It is all down hill from here.. But talk like that is negative.. Much better to post it on the Internet. Yes the good old world... a place where hope just costs money.. I need more money so that I can pollute more, create more waste.. Destroy at will. After all computer chips are beginning to be able to interact with cells.. We are the end of the line.. Kind of like Custards last stand.. So hopelessly against all odds and just to arrogant to see it.. We are the takers and we take... We are not willing to roll back our standard of living.. The corporate machine is the American dream.. We are the bees but we are stinging. Bees have guards outside the hive to greet and do a security check on those entering... We need more security there are small computer chips that can go on passports.. Knowledge is power and power corrupts and that's good. Individuality is now defined as consumer choice... is that even close to logical.. I would think not.. Have you ever heard the best bands in the world? Seen a movie with a plot and well developed characters lately. Have you bought into hype.. Have you been burned by hype?
July 29, 2002 No Love Lost... a song by Joy Division.. That is a good one. That song has balls and it drives with authority. The Rev D Badcock was often pushing that exact concept... I am nervous.. I am up in the loft and some pretty heavy stuff is leaving the speakers at high Volume... and it Just got turned down.. a bit too much for the CT on a Monday evening... I started at dead souls.. Things went well until No love lost.... Ian is now yelling do it again and again and again.... later this happened Our hero revisits an old recording... does computer memory migrate away from the original form. It is all ones and zeros.. Yes or no.. one or the other.. On or off. That is what I was told one time We never went sailing.. But there was a dangerous run to the boat on a fiberglass rowboat dangerously overloaded with lifejacketless human beings who I am sure would feel completely uncomfortable being swept around in the icy currents.. Overwhelmed by shark paranoia..... I had it all figured out.. The 3 of us would have to stay with the boat... try and right it.. It was a light boat we could do it.. I was sure. I even figured to remind our crew that when we were treading water trying to right the boat to stay in an Eggbeater ( it is really called that). This of course would be to avoid pushing yourself under water and possibly into a violent undertow current.. Given the movement of the water I felt this was reasonable July 26, 2002 the Molson indie is raging outside my window.. I myself am suffering noise pollution.. But I am immune to noise pollution. There is a sailing trip in my future.. My kind of sailing.. On somebody else's boat... with a captain at the wheel. I will call for a goal.. Don't get hit in the head by the boom. Good possibility of a shark scare... something about crab traps and swimming trunks.. Chum the water friend and the frenzy will follow. I will need my sailing hat and my sailing sunglasses.. I will need a notepad and possibly a recording device. My other task will to gently push for open water... try to slip out into the open ocean for a little adventure.. This will at the very least stimulate our crew.. That will create things to observe. You want to get over your head with these things.. Get that feeling where the little voice in your head says things like "OH shit we went too far this time.. We may not actually get out alive" ... that exhilarating rush of a fear trip.. That is when the sharks enter the scene.. You start to see dorsal fins in the shadows of the water.. You are wet and cold and the boat is being tossed around like a banana peel in a gaurberator. What the hell kind of simile was that.. I need help.
July 25, 2002 I sometimes wonder if there is a voodoo doll with in my image out there....somebody turning a screw into my hip.. Oh well.. my lot in life. I am an annoying man this is very true.. I like to impose comedy on others an in so doing run the risk of misunderstanding.. I get bored with reality and I get angered by those in agreement with the status quo. IT is pathetic and we are wasting away.. Living the wrong dream in.... my humble opinion. The only thing is that my opinions are not usually classified as Humble.. Lets look that word up. Did you know that humble pie is a pie made of the entrails of a newly killed animal, most often a deer. Off topic again just like a good diversion freshly avoiding reality...and then all focus is completely lost once he realizes that he is in a divergent thought unable to stay on it.. Kind of like a game of fetch gone all wrong... German Shepards are the worst.. The get the stick and then want you to chase them they want to play "Own the stick!".. which of course was never the original intention.. They will even growl viciously and snap their teeth filled jaws (powered by an impressive sagital crest) at the stick (and possibly hand)... if one is fool enough to try and rip the stick from a German Shepards jaws. My method for getting a stick from the jaws of a German Shepard.. Get a good grip on the stick.. You may have to pretend to not be interested in playing.. This will draw our canine friend in closer in an attempt to draw you into the game.. But wait until the dog is right on top of you... you have two options now.. Begin petting the dog put him to ease.. And then put your hand on the stick.. If you think you can snatch it then do so otherwise get a good grip. If you are a truly sporting person then skip the petting and just lunge at the stick.. It is possible that you may send the dog into a frenzy but no worries be ready for a tug of war... Most dogs will fall for this one.. Get the dog pulling and then give it slack the dog will reel back and often grab for a "deeper" bite of the stick.. It is at this time you rip the stick free and hold it up high... now is the time when most biting incidences occur.. But hey it's better than picking up dogshit.
July 24, 2002 I try, I fail, I live happily ever after A man said this to me.. He is divorced. Which reminds me.. Of being in a band with someone who does not believe in the band. How can that be? our hero muses. Does it not all start with belief, desire, and a willingness to understand and contribute.. But what if you do not believe.. And If you believe are you wrong.. Are there things you are not seeing.. And can an average guy make good rock and roll? How familiar should a professional be with the bands material... My personal thoughts are that a member should be very familiar.... Is the music worthy of the band members time? And if it is not then is that member being fair to continue with a unit that they don't believe in. What about communication? Is it more important to talk and say what you are going to do if certain conditions are met that may vary or ultimately take a back seat to other plans... and is it more possible that a bad attitude communicates more than words could ever. What makes a good band? Is it originality, melody, the live show, musicianship and things like that or is it that a good band is actually a good replication of a band that currently gets played on local Rock Radio. Now in the whole scheme of things I am sure there are arguments for both sides of the coin.. But I suspect that as a band it is imperative that every member be on the same side from at least a music perspective.. Ideally it would be good to have a member who is a good businessman. The way I see it is that you can follow or you can lead... And if you choose to lead then lead... don't fuck around second guessing things.. Looking for reasons not to do. There is no protocol.. Your test will be time.. And ultimately time is a friend of good rock and roll. A get rich quick scheme sounds cheap because it is cheap.. It is the type of process for those who like to become fools. This is interesting because it often seems like the opposite... In a way it come down to arrogance.. You have to be so confident that you are right to miss the obvious. At the same time you have to be so confident that you are right in order to be a leader... and confidence is quickly eroded by those who do not believe. I think that in essence you cant win for loosing.
July 22, 2002 I need to set an examination.. there are a few "LIVE at the SHOCKCENTER" cassettes still kicking around .. or are there. The last roadbed quiz went very well.. This will go better.. I suspect some will do very well and others wont have a hope in hell. I talked to a mathematics professor friend of mine on the weekend.. He sets very hard exams.. People get irate but he needs to know who the top students are.. Some know and understand and can apply the knowledge.. Others can regurgitate... the obvious question becomes Who is it that you want working for you as a Grad student. My situation of course is completely different.. By rites the test should be easy and everybody should have fun.. And the truth is the test will be easy for those familiar with the subject matter.. It would be impossible for those who are not... It is for that reason that I will need to stand over people with a red pen in hand anxiously awaiting the marking ceremony. Now the other thing.. One of the great ways to learn things is to get it wrong on a test.. that's what I always found and believe me I have experience. July 21, 2002 Reality Say something is so and it becomes.. Or is that just for a while until the truth rolls over that pony town like an avalanche. Or is it just that it seems like that is the case. There was a pretty good Roadbed show the other night... almost routine but we played the set backwards. I guess what I really need is another video project... something to completely overwhelm me.. I am overdue for a good home studio.. Where the only limit is the imagination of the creative mind. A beautiful day.. I avoid the sun. Many visitors lately my skin feels the burn of the summertime. In one way I am excited about the potential that surrounds me.. In another way I feel the long road taking its toll July 17, 2002 The city workers will be working like mad tomorrow to remove all of the Roadbed posters on the streets. Nothing like the good feeling one gets walking away from an area that has been "Roadbedacized".. It is all part of the master plan.. You put posters on the streets outside of the peeler bars and then boom you will end up with 60 or 70 striper at your show.. This will moist likely inspire mass female nudity at your show which will send shock waves through the scene stating "This is a must see show.. Pay top dollar!". Now that might not happen but then again who is crazy enough to say that it won't. The fan upside my right ear is buzzing.. I myself am delusional... and old friend comes in tomorrow.
July 15, 2002 A race against time where nobody even moves because it it over in an instant... yep that's right yer standard electrocution... I know I shouldn't do this but this is irritating and I am reaching and if I could only get this plug out.. gotcha!. Now how is that for stimulation.. Get things moving.. Make you glad you are alive. That never happened but yet it has happened before.. Like a rerun episode of all of my electrocution's. I was hit by lightning one time.. Well a cabin I was in was hit by lightning, and a flash jumped from the 2 screws of the light switch striking me in the thumb .. but I am tired now and I need rest.
July 14, 2002, Money = Mean green.. Cash rules the spot.. a line from a wu tang clan song.. Carl Fatman has yet to hear back from the organizers of the Vancouver folk Festival... It would seem that they are hoarding those Press Passes... How is he going to make the movie "NO LOGOS.. a journey to the center of music and community as seen at the 25th annual Vancouver Folk Music Festival". But instead he gets no reply, just another Jackass fool who needn't bother to spoil everybody's party.. After all maybe he was just trying to get close to the BBQ table.. Remembering that time a few years ago where he stood behind a roped off area smelling the BBQ. The point is that it aint over yet.. All there needs to be is a will.. And it looks like an entrance fee.. Or a stealth maneuver over a fence by a wooded area.. Oh wait is this a Volunteer suddenly noticing Carl Fatman and camera crew.. She comes running over eager for an interview and our movie begins.... "Carl Fatman coming from the Carl Fatman show on July 20 2002.. With me here today is security personnel Tina.. Tina what is it that you have to say"
July 11, 2002, Willingdon Black a little slack on his column... cummon WB pick it up man. The guy has gone deep under cover.. the last time I saw him he was scratching his head and going for a walk to "get it together". Nobody said rock and roll was easy.. It is probably the hardest dollar going, after journalism of course. I think we need a house gig.. a nice restaurant where we can quietly do our thing. There are not that many bands where the option to "quietly do our thing" exists.. We happen to be one of them. If you go to the root of that issue you will find that it has something to do with why we play music... I don't feel the need to expand on that. Beers.. I avoided that tonight.. Time for an extended period of clear thought. I love nighttime... summer nights in this town are the way to go.. I love the temperature and the vibe.. Few people and it is free. And another thing.. I don't like how the kids today are turning out... too much inspired stupidity.. Maybe Rock and Roll really did ruin the world.. After all the parents of today were weaned on it...It makes perfect sense.. That is why God is punishing us with bad modern Rock and Roll.. I see the light my Lord, I can hear you and you are sad.. You never wanted it to be like this.. I will be a good example.. I will put my love into the music.. I can see the light.. And I will take that light and spin it into a message for your cause... you speak through me and in so doing define me as a vesicle... I will live in the Modern World and I will rise love over hate. Why do I always undertake the big jobs? Stretch and breath SR
July 9, 2002 I went to wreck beach today to "swing the hammer"... that is what being naked was called in the summer of 1993 in a place called Manatuage. I probably misspelled that word.. oh well. I was in a bizarre tree planting camp with some very good people.. There was a river.. Slow moving and deep.. Nice and warm. I would say that it was 20-30 feet across.. And on the other side a nice sandy beach. That was our nude beach.. I remember the cook... she was an extremely beautiful girl who would appear on the other side with a camera and this massive lens... nobody gave a shit about anything. We worked like basterds, partied like animals and generally lived by our own "hippie " laws. Rodney and I had quit another company over some irreconcilable differences, we had just finished University and were looking for a new life.... I only say this to justify my use of the word "hippie". We arrived into a camp that was a few weeks underway.. therefore we joined the vibe.. And the vibe was defiantly hippie. There was a Volkswagen van with Grateful Dead all over it.. a bag of weed that was a pound, and all kinds of good vibes. Kirk was the guy who termed the phrase "swing the hammer".. he was to be our drummer... but later he never showed up in Vancouver. He was a funny guy and a good drummer (one time in town he got on a kit)... once worked in Vancouver as a limo driver. Our foreman Mel Cooper.. Was the girl from the song Melanoma (not yet released).. we went to school together at Western.. Her friend was the cook.. I loved them both... but as usual missed the boat. Funny how really beautiful girls hang together... anyhoo I better get off this and back on the story before I gets myself into the doghouse. I guess the next question is what the hell is the story? I think id had something to do with getting out there and getting involved... I had never quit a job and moved onto unfamiliar territory.. It was scary.. But that unfamiliar territory did more to benefit my life than most other things. That summer we went from a really bad vibe working for a jackass company to a place in a clearing in the woods at the end of the road that defined togetherness.
July 8, 2002 Make things different shapes.. That was something that I did as a kid to pass the time. I use to spend hours rubbing the carpet in one direction so that it would have a particular shine... and then I would ruin the shine with another classic SR artwork piece. I am good at ruin.. And now my game is up I believe that I have ruined myself... probably long overdue. Apart from all those times when I walk down the street sinisterly giggling to myself.. ah nevermind. Why bother doing anything? The world has no bounce anymore.. Everybody is too busy with appearance to really have a good time. Take your classic consumer.. We all know about a hundred. Now watch these people.. What gets them excited?.. what makes them move?.. How do you stimulate a trained consumer?.. The whole system is so finely tuned. Why bother to offer choice. All they need is another product and they will be good for a bit. But hey who am I to argue.. chats what makes the world go round.. And it can never stop. Man am I ever a bitter bastard. July 7, 2002 The quiet calm of a Sunday morning.. I definitely need to get out of the house... too much possibility of doing nothing at all.. Wasted day. But it aint over yet. There is still a possibility that something could happen.. a discovery could be made. One wrong turn made by accident that would give life new meaning.. I feel like I should be filming something.. Cut the quiet with a new vibe.. Maybe I should just shave my face
July 4, 2002 A steady body of work.. Increasing in caliber with time... no steps backward. As Smash said "all you need is willpower and a complete refusal to have things imposed on you". Willpower is big.. Work ethic.. The ability to "miss out on something". The refusal to have things imposed on you is a rather natural instinct.... especially for the weak.. Those without vision. Believe in yourself and continue.. Even though they're not with you. Jack ass to genius... and than back to jackass where you feel most comfortable... it is like a steady state where everything keeps falling down around you. This time it will be different.. You must admit the truth. If something is it is, and if it is not then it is not. In heingsight it will become very obvious. Therefore you must resist the urge to form quick opinion...
July 3, 2002 The dryer caught fire... damn oversized comforter's... and if that is not bad enough .. well lets just say "them sprinkler systems have a hair trigger" . I'll tell you this if another idiot neighbor comes to tell me that their apartment flooded I'm going to start swinging. all right none of that happened.. I'm just a little bored.. Letting the mind wander. I think a good neck punch would be the way to deal with this situation.
July 2, 2002 The neighbours are going to think you are crazy CT Indeed. But the real concern is the word "think". The summer heat must make the squirrel's nest smell. It will take lice until they realize that there is a problem .. the solution will be somewhere between a round of haircuts, super sonic noise makers that allow their owners the luxury of drinking beer and loud talking about how they are so smart, a couple of hours on a ladder with some sheet metal and a high powered nail gun. Remember the squirrel will defend it's territory.. It will annoy causing a man to swing a broom at it while on a ladder... it may even dart in for a quick bite if it senses that the hand is nessicary for balance.. This often occurs when you are about to fall of the ladder due to being off balance from a home run swing.. So you grab the roof and hold on for dear life.. Then the squirrel sees it's advantage and gets in a good rabid bite.
July 1, 2002 Soon there may be firecrackers... It is possible that i missed them. I don't "get" Firecrackers.. I am all for getting people together to celebrate something but firecrackers do little to stimulate me.... I met a nice lady once, on the verge of a seizure.. So excited about the upcoming fireworks.. She said "I love firecrackers,, When I see them I just start screaming.. I get so excited... My Husband thinks I'm crazy because I just get so excited!". That conversation was a couple of months ago .. can you imagine what that house was like in the week leading up to Canada Day. Fireworks are now happening and i cannot see them from my place... No big shit.. CT made the fatal error of asking me if I wanted to walk over to Science World to see if we could see them. always up for a walk i replied "yea lets go"...CT was very comfortable on the couch reviewing some literature and realized at about that time that she did not actually want to go for a walk down to Science World. (I imagine that she wanted to do something with me and got a little ahead of herself) The comedy came through lines like ..Traffic, Hoard's of people, horns honking... i.e.: all of the things that i hate and yes would indeed be there to send me into a mumbling, disgruntled with intermittent flashes of wild cackling kind of guy.... We laugh and now she is playing guitar this is a very first.. It is 11:30 the firecrackers are over.. I think i caught the last blast. We are quietly grooving... That was on the story board of one of the old Knockin' Dog videos .. the term never sat very well with me but i think i just got it. June 30, 2002 The hum of the fan does not quiet the conscience when a digression was not the order of the moment. Otherwise he lives his puppet life and goes like a loose script hardened further by a cast of characters all of them completely unaware that there is even a script. I guess the only good thing is that the idea will find its form one day. For tomorrow's exercise try to describe the SR concept on Ultimate Choice VS doing things by default... Use that fruit analogy.. Focus on the Idea that expression has possibly become more important than anything else.... such a shame really June 25, 2002 You could say that everything in life is an interview to get to the next level. Now you would probably only say that if you were focused on interviews. In a dream i walked down a hall.. Once i noticed that the hall was blue the floor became checkered and then there was a panic.. Somewhat like an 11th hour panic of the newsroom... nobody even has time to look important.
June 24, 2002 The city outside my window is humming I myself at peace Computer error Hearing a good poet is beautiful... hearing 2 hours of amateur poetry is like a death sentence that doesn't resolve. I remind myself to drink more water in the summer heat- beat the skin reverberates makes... the super robertson draw closer. We were on the beach last Friday night and I got sucked into a groove vortex. CT and I were quietly grooving admiring the red sky.. When the beating of distant drums made me feel like a jam. So I went walking towards the sound finding some chords that would work... It was about 15 minutes of furry and then it was time to go back to the quiet that was ours.
June 22, 2002 Thank you for contacting us. Your message: Your site is annoying and it doesn't work. I have spent hours trying to configure my other 2 e-mail addresses... this has caused a lot of problems for myself and my partner. Also I just moved and I was told that if I signed up for high speed adls telus would wave the $45 hook up fee. Well i got the bill the other day. Your company has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it has no regard for customer service. Rather than log in (over and over again.. And yes my cookies are turned on) in a vain attempt to try and get up and running I will look into other options. I loath Telus Super Robertson That was the letter i just sent to Telus.
June 21, 2002 1 Bissell deep cleaning machine, 1 soiled luxury pile couch, 1 Super Robertson, 598 Swear words, 1 Faulty extension chord, 2 electrocutions, 20 gallons of water with an eye stinging mixture of Industrial strength cleanser, 1 broken caster, 1 stripped kitchen sink tap head that begat 1useless Tap head, 80 more swear words at a rate of 3 swears per second, 1 heart filled with rage, 700 square feet of hardwood floor soaked, 2 slips, 1 severely bruised elbow, 14 ruined photographs all set to the steady rhythm of the storm before the aneurysm. My vision is becoming blurred Booze alters the degree of hate.... it becomes more sloppy and it surges
June 18, 2002 I have started secret messes around the house... They are all disguised and hidden but they share the characteristics of a good mess... Let's define the characteristics of a good mess shall we.. 1) often made up of junk items, 2) may collapse causing damage, 3) is %50 paper with a variety of screws, tools, cables and trinkets, 4) will eventually cause some shall we say "boom" to be lowered on me like a soothsayer foreshadows plots. The other kinds of messes that i specialize in are 1) words strung together as if they were some language, 2) things on hard drives, 3) cassette tape orientate messes. I should go for a toothbrushing and then some sleep
June 16, 2002 I moved the large pail of sewage away fro my balcony today.. I had to go through the Art gallery.. Guess what happened.
June 15, 2002 Friday, June 14, 2002 Ê I begin this site essentially to counter certain character-assasinating discourse laid down by Super Robertson (roadbedonline.com). However, since Mr. Robertson updates his 'Robertson Chronicles' only about once every two months, there should be plenty of time to discuss other pressing issues of the day. Stay tuned... AC Mac 11:33 PM Home | Archives Ê..http://www.blacknblues.blogspot.com. It should really be called diary of a hammerhead... oh well.. Good to see that I have once again inspired Willingdon Black.... while we are doing links check out http://diffmusic.blogspot.com/ .. that would be the Mule.. Clearly Willingdon Black has followed in the Mule's footsteps once again. Enough of this Klagg promotion and back to some real Robertson thought. What about Roadbed.. What will happen to Roadbed? Have we passed into a new era? I believe we have... There are more and more solo shows.. Less Roadbed Is this a phase or a new order.... There have been some very good jams lately.. Doesn't even sound like Roadbed and that's a good thing. We still have a plethora of songs if we all felt like learning them together.. But I don't really see that happening.
June 15, 2002 3 am.. I love the night time.. So quiet clear and isolated. I love to sleep through the heat of the day and live in the cool of the night. It is the zone to be in when you generally hate people. Sometimes i find people annoying.. Like I mean why couldn't they all be just more like me.. It seems like the most obvious answer. Now whenever you feel that way you must realize that what you get is what you project. Give bad energy you will get it back. Feeling that he has made his point our author sits back and is soothed by the fan... them lofts don't ventilate too well.. Therefore you need a good ventilation system.. Which reminds me that I need to get a timer set up.. Which in turn reminds me that i must soon awake to an alarm.. which depresses me SR
June 13, 2002 I watched the sun set from the top of the west Loin last night. The city of Vancouver to one side, and the sun setting behind the coastal mountain range... It was beautiful...Gareth and myself took turns posing by the cairn marking the top. Gareth's monkey who comes on all excursions was atop the cairn. We could see our tents on the saddle before the peak. Then the sun went down and we had to get off the top.. that's when things got interesting. Truth be told it really wouldn't be a camping trip without some insane danger. I know people who wouldn't go up the trail in the middle of the best lit day. Gareth is a very voyeuristic soul who likes to find his own route. So it came as no surprise to me that we ended up clinging to the side of wet cliffs that drop down a few thousand feet. I guess there must be some sort of addiction to fear adrenaline, that clear focus forced by the fact that error is no longer an option. There was also the idea that we may have to spend the night looking down at our warm tents as we clung to the side of the peak. Clearly the fact that I am writing this we can see that our hero's made it down in time.. We got back on the ridge near the tents and there was still a red glow above a mountain silhouette, with a sliver moon above.. And I believe Venus was slightly above the moon. You could see the dark side of the moon, very cool. Now back in the city I just made a mess of Mules guestbook.. Should that be with an apostrophe? Precisely.. What a nice word. Such an efficient an gentlemanly way to finish an exchange of ideas.
June 11, 2002 two minutes to midnight.. That is why there are two June 11 installments.. Writing that was a waste of memory. I memory cheap? I don't think so.. Talk to the man who has none.. He doesn't have much to say.. Much to draw on... take your typical drunkard.. Who doesn't really know what happened the night before.. There are no funny stories yet there was laughter all nigh,, or was that just noise that was so confused one thought it was laughter. Anything else would probably just be pathetic. "Booze makes me happy".. a confessed diagnosed alcoholic told me on night over dinner.. The thing was that he knew no other way.. And when the guy on the radio preached "In moderation" my man laughed an irony filled laugh and then drank some more. Super Robertson rule # 1 .. don't make a habit of drinking with alcoholics... fortunately I usually go to bars to play music or to listen to music. Having a reason is key. I do feel though that it is a good idea to get drunk every now and then.... perspective change being the trump card on that one.
June 11, 2002 Some poor sucker just met their new neighbor.... Hi I'm Super Robertson I live next door.. "Have you ever had any trouble with fire ants"... I was at the time carrying a stunned wasp on the end of a stick that works as a futon part. It should be noted that i was in my pajamas (I am on holidays), and the wasp was vigorously stinging the wood when I waved it in front of the said individual. I did end up releasing the wasp onto the deck surface. It was defiantly stunned as I hit it a good whack with that futon part. When a wasp gets into a loft where the only windows are far on the other side of the room.. One has to do what is necessary. I fear wasps but I don't hate them, they are very good organisms for the ecosystem. However when a large one with a pulsing abdomen darts after a man's good orange shirt when he is trying to work... that is a different story. I was forced to wound the wasp on order to bring it outside. The wasp is no longer where I put it.. There are three options I can see 1) the wasp recovered and is currently flying around the neighborhood with a score against humans to settle 2) The wasp crawled into a corner or under something or in a walkway hoping for the opportunity to sting my foot 3) The wasp got carried off by some insects.. Possibly fireants..small enough to not get stung. I did some experimenting.. Touch a wasp leg and it will grab and sting..... therefore you wouldn't want to be too big to play that game. My neighbor wanted no part of this and actually left without saying good-bye during the experiments.
June 10, 2002 Got the stuff posted.. What a relief.. But now the whole day is shot... and there are dull pains in my body.
June 9, 2002 Have been trying to post Roadbed Videos on the web. The real disaster that will kill a man with a swift stroke that starts as a dull pain in the arm is as follows: Trying to make the right sized quicklime movie. This is a heavy statement with many factors. The main thing is that a guy like me isn't out to buy something... so therefore there is no reason to have the information that I need...It may also be the program's that I work in... I find the save settings are very odd indeed, there are many numbers that vary so greatly.. There is pixel size and actually some other sort of measurement that I thought was centimeters.. The program quicklime is in fact your pulse to the movie industry.. Where your just a few select key clicks away from spending some money... Hate, and then wait.. Oh this version has only sound an no video... this one is full screen. June 6, 2002 Don't play with the sprinkler system! That MUST be a semi-mantra Which means it is something that I must adhere to but not obsess about. Internet radio done piss me off The record will show that you invited me over, and at one point in the evening threw a toilet part at me, which I deftly picked out of the air with my coffee cup. Infuriated that your clownish antics had been upstaged by my pseudo-acrobatic display, you stormed out of your abode, inventing a story about having to go play a gig which never really took place. Willingdon Black sent that erroneous description today. That is not to say that a used and weathered maisonville floater did not end up in the coffee cup of the good Willingdon Black. Now that did indeed happen, but when you really stop to think about it it had to have happened. I had just finished my best imitation of my good man Mike at Hillcrest Plumbing. I did the scene where he spotted me with my used flapper from 10 feet away. Laughed and said "Maisonville".. all The rest is history except now the toilet works better. And since Willingdon Black was so intent on seeing the said flapper.. I happened to send it his way .. it kind of flew through the air like a disk Frisbee.. Almost suspending itself in rotary motion.. And then Plunk Right into WB's Irish Coffee
June 5, 2002 Jim the guy at work who gets a haircut from me every day.. Now gets plucked. After I got wounded with that knife experience we figured it was safer if scissors were not involved.. although he doesn't like the plucking that much either... Imagine being your average postal worker and then trying to understand me.. There is a real reality shift to the power of two June 4, 2002 Ah what a great environment i now live in.. it is great partly due to what i have tolerated in the past. I think of it analogous to peasants coming over to the promised land packed like sardines in a ships rotten underbelly.. Rank with disease and human waste.. And then you are on the shore.. And the light hits your face for the first time in weeks.. Massive trees, fresh odors... ect... re arrangement and plumbing disaster rectification.. How to install a Maisonville floater... My main man mike knew what time it was.. He took a look at the weathered chlorine eaten rubber seal... as he said maisonville he was shaking his head and said "you cant use those chlorine pucks.. That is what happens" Much later in the day a man thinks.. What a great place to exist in.. I have everything a man could ask for.. But I am not content.. I think to be content would be to stop.. Content is not negative! nothing is negative it just is what it is.. I use to say "that was what it was".. it use to drive Rodney crazy ... He would always want to discuss everything we did once we did it.. That would make for a song being played.. Then 20 minutes of discussion.. By then I was absolutely demoralized, completely confused and I had usually lost the argument and in the process been labeled the one who was unprofessional and lazy. Of course I believe in unprofessional.. As I believe too many people misuse that word and it no longer has meaning. I don't feel that I need a justification for that. I need to harass Willingdon Black more.. He has had it too good for too long... Jackass has haybreath... the timing was unbelievable.. The fact that it happened and it got all done.. The magnitude of material.. The crazed push for greatness that landed Smash and I in the Shockcenter .. in what would be best described as our first "weird" moment.. Which in itself gave us the signal that THIS IS THE END OF THIS! it was written in stone and then when you stopped to take a look you found that the wall was in fact quite beautiful.... funny then how much later the scene was me giving legendary harassment to Willingdon Black to the point where he won't come back June 3, 2002 Super Robertson Vs recipes... I love to cook but I am an eyeball and tastes kind of guy.. That is why things went all wrong today when I tried to follow a recipe... I will avoid that thought.. It is like a vortex where all the wrong things happen... Here is a positive thought.. Because I am a peck artist .. think back to typing technique.. I do not stare at the screen.. This will be good for the eyes.. i am sure i would see more of my errors firsthand.. But that could interrupt my flow.. I believe I have reached the origins of the Robertson Flow... The Robertson Flow defined by its' relation to the distraction constant... The dust had built up so much on my keyboard that the letter n just got stuck.. New sitting technique.. I need to relax and find a Chi state.. I will need two small Lynx statues for my desk to put over the "c" clamps I will need to extend this desk out further. In another unrelated thought I believe that I am a very dusty person.. And I have some hard evidence.. But upon thing further into my data I notice a particular lack of dusting on my behalf.... It is like a massive unarchaivable mess.. All of my energies are characterized by this trait.. Interesting indeed..I guess that is why they say SR keeps it real.. or at least I say that they say that. Because after all anything is what you make it.. and as long as you can sell... all of this supports the flashing of genitalia.. That is why wreck Beach.... I did that scene last year... I like the nakedness.. I believe sun should reach all aspects of the skin. The skin being the largest organ of the human body. And some sun is essential.. Remember when Homer Simpson got rickets after Mr. Burns blocked out the sun in an effort to have a total monopoly on Power. I also like the isolation.. In that it is common for people to keep to themselves in a shall we say "party" environment. One can play music and sing away till his heat is content.. And it would be as if nothing happened.. There is no after math to deal with.. The annoying type.. Like when you play music in a room with people and they feel a certain social need to acknowledge that and treat it as an event. Once something becomes an event there become two sides.. The giver and the receiver.. This can of course can be a two way street... but often is set up by its nature to define to be shall we say "billed" as a one way street. This is an enormously complicated point that I just saw two more forks in the road.. I also fear a reread as that may threaten the "first draft" nature of this forum... It is kind of like if I was writing this now while everybody who will read it was right here siting beside me.. I don't think that this passage would have been the same.. It may have been better, it may have been worse.. I am sure it would have been different... I wonder how many people would be in my room? I am thinking maybe 30 -40 people... interesting I just got writers block.. I was thinking about.. I wasn't afraid or anything just more like thinking and sitting.. rather than thinking and sitting and writing. But remember our writer's block cure exercises?... I do, you just write about anything.. It doesn't matter... get into a flow of speaking with your fingers.
Home improvement disaster... I have a door off of the hinges, a toilet in 8 pieces I am wet and dirty.. And I must now go to Home Depot (it is around the corner and open late)
June 2, 2002 Nothing quite like an annoying journey through the hotmail system.... The Roadbed @hotmail.com is where we house our mailing list... it should really be in my Entourage program... much less red faced vein bulging cursing would be involved. I wonder how the garage sale will go today.. I wonder how many "Early Birds" will be knocking at the door of my old place only to meet the business end of some of Uncle ken's ripe Sunday morning breath. There's some justice for being an annoying early bird garage sale jackass. As we were putting signs up in the neighborhood last night I noticed that most garage sales are from 9-2... Ours will be from 2-4... The main thing was to get a good night sleep... what ever doesn't sell becomes good pickings for the neighborhood dumpster divers. Hey Mule Hughes got off of his ass and got difficult music back on track..http://diffmusic.blogspot.com. I believe this was in part due to my harassment directed towards his lassitude... good work Super Robertson. Speaking of the Mule.. We did a show with him the other week.... some Roadbed classics called out from behind the kit like a man. I remember that gibbering fool was fast as hell but that was because Shockk started it that speed.. There was some improv that went well. The whole weekend was rather a blur due to the fact that CT and I had just taken possession of our loft that particular day. We are set up now and things have calmed down a bit... that should all change this afternoon when Roadbed cuts into some loud rock around 2pm this afternoon. This garage sale will close the book on the period where I lived at Oak and 15th for about 6 years. It would be ironic to finally be led away in handcuffs, head down and disgraced in the back of a police car. Considering all of the blatant illegal activity that has taken place there over the years... There was the time some guy ordered a truckload of triple mix top soil (soil, manure and peat).. He had a small flower bed.. And there was way too much soil.. It was on the street and it was his problem.. He said I would be doing him a favor to take it away. As a gardener and scientist I went to town.. Even getting hey Rock to videotape the experience (Hey Rock use to live in the basement... his first mistake). Anyhow some old nag across the street who was clearly annoyed to have to live across from me (nakedness, loud drums and clarinet, people on the street late at night making jokes that may not seem funny to her) called the cops on me because she believed that a cretin like me would need to steal triple mix soil. I will dedicate a song to her today.
June 1, 2002 I am now in my new headquarters... new desk, new chair, cleaner air.. Much space... Things are going to be different this time...**note foreshadowing humor. All is good in the world of Super Robertson.. There are many new things all of them describable. Tomorrow Roadbed will play at our Garage sale.. a grossly underpromoted event.. I will fix that now.
May 24, 2002 He who takes credit lightly.. Pays money for a long time. And nothing is really ever needed.. Food is needed... as is shelter ... love is too tricky to classify on any one level.
May 22, 2002 I have created another great mess.. The kind of mess that will soon be unacceptable. How can i possibly change? Anybody can learn to do anything..... WE will call that the first law of Robertson.... with of course with an inclusion that makes room for the Robertson Factor.. Which is often responsible for conclusions having nothing to do with the original question... Ah I'm glad we solved that.. And to think I was ready with my bag packed to head out for some Gait stretching.... I remember from science that reptiles like lizards walk with a "sprawling gait".. they look like and exaggerated bull dog stance.. It has to do with the shoulder girdle. Anyway Rodney and i got some free jergans soap.. that we used and it was horrible.. it dried our skin.. Therefore we believed that it had turned us into reptiles we would then comment on each others "Sprawling gait"... funny eh! SR
May 21, 2002 In the past 30 seconds i have.. Escaped a conversation with a very drunk man who wanted to tell me about a Canadian rock band leader turned country singer.... there was a very minty drunk breath if you know what i mean.. Then I came up the ladder and smashed my head on the ceiling don't think I will miss this place... I don't regret coming here though.. There were some fine comedic elements.. I will miss the boy who lives downstairs.. I won't miss the odors.. When that hot summer sun heats up the side of the house where the squirrel raised a family... you remember eh!.. that was around the time of the lice breakout... and then they had short hair. .. Max offered the line " slurr slurr... whenever you go buy the gas stove I check it... I have blown up bigger places than this" to which I laughed in a worried way.. One of the biggest mistakes I made was coming home late to find people getting naked... Well there were wreck beach types so I figured "when in Rome..", Only this was not a wreck beach vibe.. It was more like an orgy... I had to make a hasty retreat. The whole Idea of "Partying".. which some seem to think represents being drunk as possible dancing naked yelling along with 70's rock music... Now I do realize that that sentence written actually seems like it could be a good time.. But it wasn't... there was no comedy.. Just pathos.. No listening.. Nothing but a predisposed reaction that was programmed long ago to fire at the same time until the nights just become one blur with no real recollection of anything. Now the Leafs really played like a shithouse...**** old hockey coach said that (differing from "I hate this shithole world" *** my rage hero).... Lumme... why is he in the NHL.
May 19, 2002 The double key click attack... Me and my girlie side by side on a Saturday night fiendishly typing away. She is writing a paper for a research journal... me the same old gibberish. But hey I got my own forum where nothing can possibly go wrong.. And even if it did nobody would care or much less even notice... Questions? Answers... I am becoming faster with the peck. Was out on the scene and saw Hey Rock's truck.. So me and Shockk planned a sneak attack.. Only the hunters became the hunted... Hey rock came barreling down the sidewalk at top speed.. Quiet like.. He was behind.. Shockk saw him at the last second.. I veered off to the left with a burst of speed.. (And a blood curdling scream for good affect)... I owe hey Rock 10 good ones! Mule Hughes.. Will be playing drums for Roadbed next weekend.. I still have yet to hear from him (2 sticks is going camping)... We will probably play some Roadbed songs as that would be the easiest thing to do! I have been saying things like that a lot and as a result I have been getting that "you are lazy" vibe. But lets face it.. It is not easy to put together bands without rehearsal.. So go with what you know. Mule Hughes has not been keeping up with his online column titled Difficult music... slack. It was just too professional.. I think it was originally something for school.. Where you receive a mark. It is just too much work to maintain a coherent journalistic body of work.... Even a shittrain like this pile of wrecked ramblings can be work in a way. Like I mean it isn't.. Because it can be defined as an enjoyable pursuit for Myself. The best part is that it is a mess I make that I don't have to live with... it is all organized equations within a computer system. Organized eh! that is correct.. We will leave it at that man I have been having some bad gas lately... heavy in the lungs it sits thus creating a completely unsatisfying experience. I could use a good toothbrushing as well. I have been pricing drills lately... looks like you can get a good electric drill for about 60 dollars.. A lot of the new drills no longer need a key to tighten the drill nossel to the drill bit. I am about to enter into a series of constructional renovations. We move into a loft next week.... we are soon to be homeowners... I am my very own handyman. I think to myself "remember the bolt"...But I have changed my ways. My first project will be to make 2 small rooms and a hallway a master bedroom complete with a floor and possibly a ceiling.... there may even be some electrical wiring.. So they may call me singe Robertson after all. I remember working with my dad.. We did a lot of home renovations when I grew up.. I would hold the level and agree on things... I was the extra set of hands... My father is a very meticulous man,, he would level things 3 times and then triple check it afterwards... there were times when that was very painful. Most of the projects were Insulation orientated.... Bringing up the R value... The R value increases proportionally with ability to insulate. A house with R30 would hold more heat.. (And cost less to heat) than a house with an R15 rating.
May 18, 2002 because the box was not taped up.. This allowed the man to riffle through the box to find something leaving the contents of the box strewn in a large pile in the room... When asked How could this happen?... the man himself even wondered the exact thought that reads "yes, how did this come to be?"
May 16, 2002 I just lost a bad update.. Funny how bad luck can run in your favor sometimes.. The only problem is that there is an e-mail out there somewhere with the phrase "eat 3 shit sandwiches a day for ten years".. I was thinking about what it would be like to be in politics.. What you would have to do to make it. It was at that time I attempted to draw a parallel between politics and rock and roll... I even hinted at the aspect of rock and roll being a dumb version of politics. Often times when you look at the result of human politics you think "how stupid can that be".. "what an enormous waste"... " that is just so totally ridiculous that it defies its own meaning". Now it must take a pretty sharp person to so totally screw thing up and get away with it like that... For the most part Rock and Roll seem to be a suckers game.. Do you look good, can you play guitar? how bad do you want to be a star! Will you make money for us.. Will you go out in a haze of glory inspiring a total re release of all previous recordings including some 4 track songs that have been digitally re mastered. AAH but then you see a pro band like Roadbed.. a band that keeps it real.. 4 track releases are part of a healthy diet.. And I mean that in a most serious way. You must be able to make good 4 track recordings! It is the weatherball of your music vibe.. I demand that of my co workers. I get a lot of "OH super you think you can do anything".. "Super thinks people won't notice the hiss.. What an idiot".. "You need to be professional super". Any yes there is some truth in that.. But there is a greater more massive mountain of a truth that comes through in the song and the way in which the song is performed. It is hard for some to stand behind something that is imperfect.. The word imperfect of course with its own "kettle of fish". BUT IS NOT ART IMPERFECTION ITSELF.. It could be but that question is a moot point (one that can be argued to infinity). Which reminds me about one of my beefs with society.. You can no longer haul off and punch somebody in the face anymore. There are some times when somebody can get all legally and weasely on you and what would really straighten things out are a couple of good punches.. One to the jaw and another couple to the abdomen. But you can't do that.. If somebody wrongs you you must go through paper work legal fees... court where the guilty party could stand there smiling behind a well constructed lie.. Adding the occasional "I was not aware" for affect... and all of this could have been avoided if you could have gotten a few shots in at the time of the crime. I can't wait to rid myself of this annoying cell phone.. It comes in handy sometimes.. I just need to keep it turned off.. I cannot be tolerating these conversations... he mumbles to himself and then stretches his hamstrings..... tight hamstrings are a bitter pill for for a bad back... as you loose flexibility in your legs your back does more work.. This is bad for business. I find this chair and the higher desk in the research institute good for the back though.. Much better than my set up at home.. I am beginning to see through the looking glass SR
May 11, 2002 Miles of Beans.. I get around you took me down to 7000 block Kingsway and Hey Rock's gay/ I yapped a bit to check out the sound then turned around a coffee on my hand ..Damn.. Hand down by the actions of a clown.. Need rest now in distress catalysis the process that test my stress.. Stress test Carl said it best.. follow the scene go green miles of beans.. I write the song that weaves along saying nothing really .. but in fact that is the attack of the weaver on a Mac otherwise known as a scarb jacket. May 10, 2002 Holy cow.. becoming slack.. the site has gone to hell.. Haven't been writing...everything right is wrong again. That is a They might Be Giants song.... you probably know that... it doesn't matter. Roadbed kicked some ass last night.. we had fun again. Interesting how you can loose sight of the important things so easily May 6, 2002 Smash, ...Have you fired off a letter to that Marco dude who is running the Palladium band wars thing... He has been calling me and emailing... He bugs me. We are both well aware of the numerous incidences that point to the overwhelming incompetence of that thing... For a laugh I voted for us.. My computer crashed 2 x (I never crash) and when it was over we had 2 less votes than before. I was ready to blast him a good pile of ye old super Robertson style attack... What's up SR This chump actually woke me up 2 afternoons in a row to demand i tell everybody i know to go log on to the palladium site so that they can enter there names on a mailing list.. Crash their computer and waste about 20 minutes... I mean at least if you are going to use bands don't make it so fuckin painful. Probably best for the band for me to not send off an illiterate scathing on our behalf... best to keep me caged behind a window with a warning on it... Smash is the man for this job.. He is a man who speaks the truth... but a nice guy at that.. He will even hand you the napkin to wipe the egg from your face.7412+1470.07 What that game proved was that they could score. But scoring points is not everything... Some scores are settled from a different perspective... consistency .. He remembers the confusion that makes the wrong decisions.. And he overhears a woman say "OH he is a nutty one isn't he"'' and he kind of knows what she is saying but knows that she is wrong. And in another world a fat basketball player retires a career underachiever to become a lazy millionaire cursed with a legion of swindler's that call him friend. May 5, 2002 I will take your money he thought to the man who was there... and he fantasized about writing while overhearing conversations... it sounds illegal but it is really nice and you cool cool faded on me / and her starry eyes were wasted / And I never understood what I thought I did My thoughts include more than a telephone #. Some liquor will do quite nicely if I could only get a waiter. He fears being misunderstood although he accepts that it is a given... he shakes the slow burn of a hard fought loss... no telephone.... freedom from a stinging ringing machine. Revise your best thoughts and order a girlie drink.. Behind the jukebox is where the action rings... good view of the hockey highlights. It is a windy evening... shortly after writing that passage our hero has this said to him "taste this beer it is very "molassesey" ... after laughter it was noted that molasses as a descriptive taste is not a good sell May 3, 2002 Cold winds seem fresher than breezes/ warm sunlight is needed / fed.. is the python i hope so ? the end result is almost predictable.. that is why i have a cat. This site has no longer any focus .. It has drifted beyond it's original mission statement
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