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welcome to the Robertson Chronicles II
April 6, 2003 Insert. Unless of course what you are trying to insert is the wrong format. Alas there is an art to problem solving. Actually more like a method... go thorough the steps and check all of the aspects of each step. It can be a hard thing to do when one is red faced and screeching at a computer screen. The real question becomes something all together different as the answer finds ways to confuse. I try to recall the last time in my life when I actually had fun. Like an extra failure.. Like the icing on a cake but more like the lump of dung by the slippery sidewalk. April 2, 2003 Buying shoes Many irritants with this particular disaster. Find a pair of shoes that fit your feet well and guaranteed they won't make them anymore when you are ready for a new pair. Often people complain about this.. I would say that the grand machine is at work here. Sometimes I think that I should embrace the machine because in affect it's products treat me well. And then the rehearsed sales line is uttered.. Classify the customer.. Steer them in the direction of their choice... the only problem is the patented S. Robertson freakout that will occur. At the slight hint of sales orientated rhetoric I feel my blood run cold, my skin will itch, eye twitch, involuntary movements.. Not to mention the fact that I have become totally unable to listen. I need to remind myself that the person is probably unhappy about their job. For me it would be I want to go in and buy the shoes I know I like.. Shit I'll take 10 pair if you have them just to give me a large buffer time in which I can avoid this shithole. The problem is that I just hate shopping. I would probably hate a 20 year depression more if the economy were to collapse. it's all hearsay friends... community shall be our focus.. Think like an organism... Billions of cells, all independent well run and dedicated to the system. March 25, 2003 Now let me think .. I can't recall anything that has happened that is interesting or vaguely relevant to the band Roadbed.. It don't matter I may as well tell you about the time I went fishing in haliburton. Well it was at the boy scout camp and a fishing derby had been declared on this lake that was about a mile inland of the main lake we were on.. Tom, Terri and i portaged a canoe into the lake and of course easily won the derby.. There was a slight moment of confusion as others protested.. I would have none of it arguing my case to the Scout leaders.. There was not rule against using a canoe.. Just a matter of having the determination to carry one to the lake.. I even said that the Boy scouts motto was to be prepared and wasn't bringing a canoe to a fishing derby doing just that.. Also roadbed drummer said the other day that he would be interested in playing a show every couple of months. March 23, 2003 Too much swimming lately,, I feel like a reptile. The skin is the largest organ in the human body according to the game trivial Pursuit.. Also according to numerous biology textbooks. Too bad there are no jobs in biology.. The kind of things that biologists think are not good for the economy.. All this negative though about extinction's and deletion of habitat. We are a world that goes to war over the leading pollutant.. Fossil fuels.. I mean to say democracy.. Yes we go to war for freedom you can just feel the freedom in the air.. AHH so relaxing to know that soon foredoom will be everywhere.. Must stop writing. March 17, 2003 The million dollar question.. "You guys want to play a lot of shows this year.. Make a real go of it". I remember good old WB said something about leadership.. Quite fittingly I can't recall what it was. March 16, 2003 Mess.. The best description of my newest collection of musical pieces.. It is about that time for a chart to be drawn up.. What's good and what's not. Another strange addition to life is that My parents are soon to be "online".. Gadzeeks time for a new website! Something that may happen none the less.. Ah CT is home now.. Questions already.. My answer was "it was good".. the question was "how was your day". Which leads us back to the past.. The realisitation that many hours have been spent creating and incoherent mess was later described as "it was good". The key of course is in the greeting. A Conversation is developing and my focus is waning..
March 10, 2003 In the horror of the last few months AUTOPILOT has gone to press. Get ready to take another bath Roadbed.. There will be explanations and another period of frustration that has a different tint to it.. The people who call you back are the people that want your money.. Why of course they can help.. It is just that you are too bound to your own ego to actually go anywhere.. March 7, 2003 Stay away from the stupid computer.. Nobody cares about your stupid thoughts.. Turn on the radio and accept your fate.. We are all closer to death than we were a moment ago. Heavy statements but lets recall that it is all meaningless March 5, 2003 What were some of those interesting thoughts I was having lately... damn something to do with bad memory or fears. The destruction of the earths environment is our greatest fear of course.. Do we realize that.. Nobody likes change but it is happening. I tend to hammer this point a lot.. And I will continue to do so.. From the song Bent.. Lobster tail Virginia rail calls in the weeds an willow brushes where the water bubbles and gushes with gas Who cares? Do yo dare to rock and roll Believe in yourself and continue even though there not with you March 3, 2003 Fake it.. That is the model that we are given to live by.. It is a behavior that is rewarded. And when that doesn't work claim ignorance. March 2, 2003 Mule Hughes is doing some recording.. Looking forward to hearing the new version of gentle giants.. Now Mule is going to take advise from me (it wasn't said like that but I wouldn't want to paraphrase without consent). The Mule and I have always inspired each other.. I think if you could take each of our traits combine the best of them you could have a serious songwriting machine. The mule is well read and conscious where I am more of an illiterate wrecking machine who's awareness is found at the end of the journey when I look back at the ruins. I always enjoy recording with the mule.. He has a good understanding of when a take is a take and I find that our discussion of what we did is and exact copy of what I think we did. He has ideas and he has the ability to demonstrate them clearly, he listens to ideas, and he his game for experimentation. These are massive points.. You can spend hours in a room doing take after take after take (very irritating and if I do say so counterproductive).. and if you are playing with somebody and they speak one thing and play another it is like taking a sharp blow to the groin. I have played with people who would make a mistake and rather than admit it try to talk there way around it.. Very confusing and irritating.. actually I am no longer able to tolerate that kind of nonsense March 1, 2003 Roadbed moved to the Sanctuary from the Shockcenter today.. @ tsticks and I with a friends truck.. Of course the cart was gone today.. Why would it be there today.. Lets not worry about the Omens there is too much damn work to do.. All in all the move went well.. Early on I said this aloud "Smart people would move the fridge first.. And of course stock it with beer".. Moments later 2 sticks and I were lugging the fridge down the long corridors of the Shockcenter February 28, 2003 Cause and affect.. Massive thing to understand in this world. If you do this then this will happen and it will affect things in this way and generally things will evolve to a point where that is no longer true anymore. But that's OK because that is what happens in this world. That and this being variables in the equation February 26, 2003 Jibber jibber jibber.. I had a boss that said that a lot in an effort to motivate the staff.. I missed most of those speeches as I was in the walk-in freezer scarfing down desserts. Truth be told I am a better man for it.. a good Robertson rule of thumb is to avoid inane conversations with people you depend on to work with. These things can get in the way of proper productivity. Having a boss tell me to work faster was like my Father telling me to do my studies.. I feel and instant violent urge to do the opposite. I remember one time I really needed to get some schoolwork done.. I had finally settled down and was at my desk starting and my Dad pokes his head in and said "Now Mark are you doing your studies".. I was furious.. Now I couldn't study.. I had to go into work the next day and eat a couple of extra desserts just to even the score. February 25, 2003 The members of STOKE are completely insane.. I guess that is why the music is so good. February 24, 2003 I'll be dammed if you can even find a good party anymore.. I accidentally went to a burning man party the other night.. I went to catch a set by Hey Kristin's band Deep end. Hey Kristin plays trumpet on the Roadbed recordings.. I went out around 11pm.. Got in on some of the free keg caught the set.. And went into a tent and fell asleep.. I woke up at 3am to a full boar party.. I was the guy that looked different so of course everybody was asking me for drugs.. They were all wide awake and there was a line up outside. So I figure that it is time to school these people in the ways of dance.. I think Johnny rotten said it best "Were so vacant"... I talked to a girl in the line up for the washroom she smelt of bubble gum.. Everybody was eating candy. Supposedly a busload of people had arrived from another party and This was the afterparty. I will give top marks to the DJ.. I had the earplugs in when I fell asleep and truth be told I zoned right out.. I guess that is the point. supposedly you can do whatever you want.. "Clothing optional in the tent".. but from what I saw there wasn't much individualism in the joint. Blue lights and lickem sticks.. Maybe I needed to be on the designer drugs to really belong but to me that kind of defeats the purpose.. Not that I am against drug use but as it was put to me "You mean you are here alone? you must be high.. Are you OK?".. shortly after that I went home to bed. On the way out there was a line up of eager partygoers exclaiming "it's just getting going". I never claimed to be in touch with the world or the people in it... howerve I still remember great nights of partying.. What I remember are the people, the words, and the situations.. Of course it all has to do with dancing and good comedy. I think the cost of looking good and belonging has risen far too high. February 23, 2003 What the hell is this gibberish I have been reading in DIFFICULT MUSIC.. Now I wouldn't want to paraphrase but it had something to do with putting down your instrument and learning a trade and becoming useful to society.. Or moreover yourself. Indeed on some levels good advise.. But to be found in a column titled difficult music.. a blog about music the author likes but others may not.. Larcal lunacy!.. Albert Einstein said once that the world is not in danger from evil men but rather those that will not oppose them. Which in a sense is like our war for rock and roll.. By all means get a trade.. And hell get a good job. Believe you me you will need it.. Nothing is more pathetic than a damn fool trying to make it in rock and roll without any money...but DON"T PUT DOWN YOUR INSTRUMENT SHRUG YOUR SHOULDERS AND DO NOTHING.. Now of course my good man Mule has earned a few gimmes.. So I will forgive this act (and for the other aspect that one could easily tear a strip up and down my writings) .. and write it off as a moment of bad judgment most likely guided by real hard fact. Still it needed to be protested so that it would be seen as an unacceptable option.. But hey I guess I'm lucky on my side are Shockk and Two Sticks hobbs.. And a number of other soldiers ready for action. Another point.. Playing your instrument should be like therapy.. If it is not you have real problems... With the exception of course of recording which can be more like shock therapy.. Very disturbing, frustrating, electric, powerful, and when you come out the other side nothing is the same again February 20, 2003 Timing is everything.. This can be said about many things music, comedy, sports life directions, accidents... That is the crux of many bad dreams I have had lately. I am in the wrong place and I can only walk very slowly, and it keeps getting later, the soundtrack is out to lunch. In some of the more horrible nightmares more mail keeps coming and it is all mixed up.. I am out away from the sortation case.. It is getting dark and then people are following me. Screw this I am not going to sleep today.. What the soul needs is a nice vicious game of hockey. I will think timing.. Keep the puck moving.. The legs moving and then boom! in the open or a bad giveaway.. Time is the hunter and it will show the truth.
February 18, 2003 New visceral exercise's.. I believe I now have a hernia
enough of that.. What I was thinking before I came upstairs was...
You can't stop evolution. Maybe a problem is that society rules have been strict... Lets think of it this way.. Classical music.. Classical music is the best music and anything else is not music. That idea over time would favor a response to rebel.. In time the idea of rebelling would become an élitist act and then a popular act.. And so on and so on.. The idea that "the music is it" gets lost. And then apply a monetary system and boom it would be like fire bombing a popcorn factory. February 17, 2003 Solid proof that SR is not enlightened. SR's back remains a problem.. Is SR was enlightened would be all aware of what is needed.. Some things are getting better however as I learn a new way of thinking in terms of body alignment.. Must sleep now as another day of heavy backbreaking labor awaits me February 14, 2003 SR studios is up and running 32 tracks of digital yet the stuff still sounds like a classic SR recording disaster.. Did I say disaster.. I meant to say "art music".. phew that was close.. A sonic soundscape embedding poetic versus. Sounds like the kind of thing that soundtracks revolution's. I need to be more positive when describing myself now.. I sure wouldn't want somebody to think I am an idiot.. As a professional these type of labels can really cut into the ability to make a living.. Luckily I have a job.. At least that is what they tell me.. The people I know that don't work.. They sleep late and drink a lot of coffee and beer.. And indeed I am lucky. Not a lot of people in this world get a fair shake at making it February 13, 2003 So a caterpillar feeds on jungle plants and manages to survive to become a butterfly. Sitting on a leave ready to make it's maiden voyage into the air. God only knows if it has the neurons to have an awareness of this.. Possibly just inherited instincts. It flaps it's wings and takes flight bright colors mark a contrast to the green plants and then 10 feet into its journey it runs flat into a jungle spider web.. The spider comes racing out and makes quick work of the butterfly wrapping the body in a sticky silk and then once cucconed pierces the cavity with 2 long fangs. Life aint fair man.. And it never has been.. And it never will be.. Live and be happy and don't buy into the fears that the moneymen write for us.. Breath is the foundation of life.
April 6, 2003 Insert. Unless of course what you are trying to insert is the wrong format. Alas there is an art to problem solving. Actually more like a method... go thorough the steps and check all of the aspects of each step. It can be a hard thing to do when one is red faced and screeching at a computer screen. The real question becomes something all together different as the answer finds ways to confuse. I try to recall the last time in my life when I actually had fun. Like an extra failure.. Like the icing on a cake but more like the lump of dung by the slippery sidewalk. April 2, 2003 Buying shoes Many irritants with this particular disaster. Find a pair of shoes that fit your feet well and guaranteed they won't make them anymore when you are ready for a new pair. Often people complain about this.. I would say that the grand machine is at work here. Sometimes I think that I should embrace the machine because in affect it's products treat me well. And then the rehearsed sales line is uttered.. Classify the customer.. Steer them in the direction of their choice... the only problem is the patented S. Robertson freakout that will occur. At the slight hint of sales orientated rhetoric I feel my blood run cold, my skin will itch, eye twitch, involuntary movements.. Not to mention the fact that I have become totally unable to listen. I need to remind myself that the person is probably unhappy about their job. For me it would be I want to go in and buy the shoes I know I like.. Shit I'll take 10 pair if you have them just to give me a large buffer time in which I can avoid this shithole. The problem is that I just hate shopping. I would probably hate a 20 year depression more if the economy were to collapse. it's all hearsay friends... community shall be our focus.. Think like an organism... Billions of cells, all independent well run and dedicated to the system. March 25, 2003 Now let me think .. I can't recall anything that has happened that is interesting or vaguely relevant to the band Roadbed.. It don't matter I may as well tell you about the time I went fishing in haliburton. Well it was at the boy scout camp and a fishing derby had been declared on this lake that was about a mile inland of the main lake we were on.. Tom, Terri and i portaged a canoe into the lake and of course easily won the derby.. There was a slight moment of confusion as others protested.. I would have none of it arguing my case to the Scout leaders.. There was not rule against using a canoe.. Just a matter of having the determination to carry one to the lake.. I even said that the Boy scouts motto was to be prepared and wasn't bringing a canoe to a fishing derby doing just that.. Also roadbed drummer said the other day that he would be interested in playing a show every couple of months. March 23, 2003 Too much swimming lately,, I feel like a reptile. The skin is the largest organ in the human body according to the game trivial Pursuit.. Also according to numerous biology textbooks. Too bad there are no jobs in biology.. The kind of things that biologists think are not good for the economy.. All this negative though about extinction's and deletion of habitat. We are a world that goes to war over the leading pollutant.. Fossil fuels.. I mean to say democracy.. Yes we go to war for freedom you can just feel the freedom in the air.. AHH so relaxing to know that soon foredoom will be everywhere.. Must stop writing. March 17, 2003 The million dollar question.. "You guys want to play a lot of shows this year.. Make a real go of it". I remember good old WB said something about leadership.. Quite fittingly I can't recall what it was. March 16, 2003 Mess.. The best description of my newest collection of musical pieces.. It is about that time for a chart to be drawn up.. What's good and what's not. Another strange addition to life is that My parents are soon to be "online".. Gadzeeks time for a new website! Something that may happen none the less.. Ah CT is home now.. Questions already.. My answer was "it was good".. the question was "how was your day". Which leads us back to the past.. The realisitation that many hours have been spent creating and incoherent mess was later described as "it was good". The key of course is in the greeting. A Conversation is developing and my focus is waning..
February 12, 2003 Remember the environment? I do.. I remember being 13 years old and learning about the decline.. The causes and effects.. I recall thinking that this is insane. Why is this being ignored.. What I didn't understand was that money ruled the world and that logic never even entered into the equation. Even right now as I think about this I can feel the rage coming on like a hurricane.. The good thing is that we are going to rid the world of terrorists.. As we all know terrorists are afraid of authority and will always back down to the strong-arm of the law.. I feel better now! Too many people in the world and most of them are ignorant and the ones that make all of the calls do so for their own financial gain with no regard to humanity. The guy on the radio said that this new track from the number one selling artist in the world is probably the best artistic work yet. Vancouver Olympic bid is kicking into high gear thanks to all of those dollars courtesy of the ring of crooked developers.. Some of them are our political leaders.. And down south the Pharmaceutical companies are calling natural herbs that seem to work in cancer treatment gibberish.. If it aint a molecule then you can't patent it, regulate it's price..etc..
If I became king of the world the economy would collapse and the headlines in the papers would call for my head and some hero would deliver it and I would be known as the man that nearly destroyed civilization.. There was a political convention not too long ago and anyone could attend for $1100 a plate.. I mean if the tax dollars are paying my way I would have hit the Jumbo shrimp like a blue whale.. But I'm just an unpatriotic ass hole who has done nothing for anybody not like some of the good men that run things.. I will not buy.. They call me greenie. Wow this just cane to me seconds after writing this passage.. Maybe just maybe
February 8, 2003 Too much hate. Is it a good idea to allow something to be somebody else's fault ? Our world is full of this nonsense.. Is the word is patsy?.. the one to take the fall.. If a candle is burning in a room and you see it is it a good idea to leave the room thinking "well if the place burns down it wont be my fault because I didn't light the candle".. politics and the media have this sort of relationship.. Often too do bands... This song didn't work because somebody said this at one time and therefore this happened and now we all suffer. Human relationships are plagued with this kind of gibberish. Part of me is thinking that I am going to have to change who I am in order to survive. I have always been very passive on a personal level but it is no working... A little story for you all.. These dudes who were rehearsing next to the Shockcenter use to play so fucking loud that Roadbed couldn't even hear ourselves in our own room.. I passively made comments for years about them being too loud for their own sake and then for ours.. Finally they got an eviction notice (for one of a few reasons I suspect and one was probably my complaining... nonetheless the eviction did not hold).. so it came down to this huge showdown between me and them. I had to basically flip out on them and they still couldn't get it.. Nonetheless after that incident they turned down and all was well. The lesson must be to challenge people more The problem.. Challenge people and they won't want to be around you There is a line somewhere out there and i guess i need to find it.. When somebody does something hurtful to me rather than absorb it and carrying on (probably giving the green light for that kind of activity).. I need to express that I think that what is going on is indeed bullshit and that i am not going to tolerate that anymore.. It seems that hate grows faster than love.. And hate becomes routine and so status quo that soon you won't even know the people you love anymore I am not quite calm right now so I guess I can't find reason now... will ponder some more February 4, 2003 massive progress on the latest series of 21 Tandem repeats recordings... My advise to others.. Use error and improvisation as a writing tool.. Be conscious (if need be) that as a writing tool you are allowed to suck and the end is a long way off. February 3, 2003 A bizarre wave of lack of confidence has nipped me today.. Better go for a big sleep and put this one behind me. CT my partner has gone and now the house is a mess.. She is always throwing out all these little piles of stuff that seem to appear a at an alarming rate. Good though to be able to blast some good old fashion rock and Roll when the time is right ... which happens to be right now. Hobo humping slobo babe.. Tried to find a link to the song.. Just lost a precious hour.. Gained a wrist pain... and saw.. ah nevermind February 2, 2003 Sure everything is interesting... Have been bathing in the new 21 tandem Repeats stuff... a total mess on about 6 cassettes. Raw is the word to describe it.. Raw is the perfect word except for the fact that the music industry uses the word "Raw" in press.. I\ mean sales brochures. Therefore the word raw is indeed on the path to losing its meaning.. If it hasn't done so already. But let me reiterate what is on those tapes is raw like a fresh carcass.. It is poison in its current state.. But yet if seasoned properly and cooked just right it could be a nutritious and delicious feast.
January 31, 2003 I almost forgot.. My entire shop steward experience has been a rare treat on some levels.. i got to see one of my rage heroes silently bark "fucking ass hole" through his beard.. I have been living off this moment for some time. Nothing like the combination of a little rage and a nice beard. Oh yea Jim my good man who needs me to cut his hair every day is back from his stress leave. Needless to say things are looking up. January 30, 2003 Last month at the Shockcenter coming up.. February will be the last. February was also the last (and only) month of my career as a stereo salesman. Stereo people at Oak and Broadway Vancouver 1995... I hate being unemployed more than i hate working so in a moment of raw frustration I took a job there. It was a true nightmare in every sense of the word.. I got Monday off and worked 12 hours on Thursday 6 on Sunday... For that i got paid about $800 for the month. Of course there was no time to look for another job and by the 16th I had gone insane with re occurring nightmares. I ate a loaf ow whit wonderbread that i got for $1.. it was all I had at the time.. I had to quit and go on welfare ( I think I recall telling of my out of body experience in the welfare office at some time in the Chronicles I) Looking around I guess I have done all right in the past 8 years yet I still feel behind. Maybe there is still some Toronto in me but more likely one like myself needs a sense of shame to drive the motivation to continue.. It is actually shy of 8 years and there are 7 records done (5 have been released). The band has presence in the sense of existing.. (Minor radio play and easy to find on the web).. except we need the next link.. The ability to sell and distribute our product. Time and the lessons are friends if you take care. Nothing is free. Whiners never get any respect. You will always loose if you don't understand the problem. Never rely on anybody who uses the word totally or cool. You are the only person who really cares if you survive or not. If you stand up a speak your mind and your mind if full of good ideas people will listen. Advise given to me was.. You need to stop rehearsing and spend more time networking (meaning drinking in bars).. I disagree totally
January 29, 2003 Hubris much like enlightenment. Must jam now will gnaw this later. Once you are aware you are enlightened you will often become suspect to defining yourself as such and then you will loose you headspace that allowed you enlightenment. January 28, 2003 Hubris From my understanding of that word there is a nice irony. Anybody smart enough to get themselves into a power position is surely aware.. Or at least has been notified... or at least has been given the chance to recognize how the state of mind will lead to ruin. Head of hubris most problems do not have a political solution Laws that the rich may break Security = disaster The world has always been a very rough place Most people never even knew that insane head of hubris why do you speak you are a carbon copy
I wanted to do this thing talking about songwriting.. The analogy was that often when i write songs it is like a construction job with boards and nails everywhere.. Often little fire to singe it to completion. But then a poem finished and then make it a song.. Is more like carving a granite block to the image of someone famous. Can't sit for too long later A poem about e-mail weak good for some things too consuming like a digital recorder no but it is a digital recorder and a transmitter and a receiver but ultimately ruined by scams, porno and advertising open this you son of a bitch
January 28, 2003 A notice from the strata counsel.. " a shady looking man in a very large suit and reeking badly was terrorizing guests at an Art opening at the Artworks Gallery.. The man spoke in a low broken voice.. And called himself a distinguished journalist... after several loud outbursts from visitors the man disappeared over the back balcony.. This man was using a video camera and filming Nudes by Robert Title.. Anybody with any information on who this man is please contact..." January 26, 2003 Here we see the lardass scarfing back the doughnuts.. a paper with pictures in front... But wait that is rude to refer to a lardass... And why lardass?.. there is plenty of lard on the gut and leg regions, even the neck the back as well as the buttox. Is that how you spell buttox and will the computer program's spell check have that word in its dictionary. Why it shouldbuttox is official... Lardass is slang. How bout quakemaker? Ahh i like that word.. Good name for a record company. Not as good as Canada Lynx records.. but none the less.
January 25, 2003 one time i went to a rather highbrow party and something kept happening that inspired me to begin introducing my self as "Our father who art Godrobertson". nobody laughed but rather stayed on the topic in a determined attempt to make sense of it. A situation where time is not your friend. I could not find the words "actually it was just a very amateur and immature way to introduce myself that I though might be funny at the time but now see the total error of my ways"... I should just have that printed on a business card for the next situation like this. Back at it avoiding the long explanation as anger management needs work go down to the recycling room and physically break some things Shred, tear and smash
What was the order that the boxes were written in?
January 23, 2003 Big stretches and now some fried bananas.. Fry in butter and then add a supersaturated sugar water solution... the idea is to "sugar steam" the frying banana chips. The centers can be a bit bitter. Serve hot on a bed of frozen yogurt (vanilla works well).. and sprinkle with chocolate. After our hero wrote the last sentence he wolfed down the rest of his dessert.. Or snack. There is some caramelized sugary banana on my molars
a poem
banana you have served me well As i have served you and will continue to even if this world cannot understand it market the banana it is the only thing people understand anymore
Crazy energy Everybody is suffering disasters and i am no longer immune tuning out did not work exercising mastership may not help either many things are much bigger than me
In my dream i was attacked by a shark in the hospital i smoked a cigarette and got it on with the nurse she turns me on with her low cut dress and breasts just right and a stethoscope that i press to her chest as she smokes the cigarette
SHARK!! this time in the water no time for a digression as the shark is on me like a cannonball fired hot from a pirate ship I am a bad poet
Poetry is like opera and to a lesser extent chamber music stuffy but poetry is just too broad a term is slapping down errant puffery poetry? "it is all in the presentation" a voice calls out he is just sick of chronicling things yes master yes master
January 22, 2003 blue skies and lullabies there must be something waiting it's true.. Now what does that really mean.. Does it mean that things are good and easy and even cute.. There must be something waiting it's true is complete gibberish. An insult to a normal thinking person. Now show me a normal thinking person! none the less we will not grind that ax at this time.. For there is another mission. I think that the moment that man realized the context of the world in a complete sense... the idea of war was no longer a good one. Not very well spoken...i just erased a massive digression.. Back in the old days it was just a massive jungle (to coin a common metaphor).. war and survival were one and one. On further reflection I think that a case for all scenarios can be made. I retire this thought and go back to amateur poetry The paper is yellow on it is a name Mr. private stash Not mustache more like a utility reserve and address a sleuth report but where doth art thou Sleuth reporter Oalk Reece casually like a tree waiting for the moment to save the moment mathematics uses exponent
ass hole said like one you fuckin son of a bitch
Poetry is a jackass sport is what i told the girl the one that i was afraid of not so long ago when i didn't really care about anything
something about a window
window always end up in poetry which boils my blood because i hate everything but we give the window a hope for change by going through it time and again Eroding the gate so that passage can become comfortable
Rusty poke gate above the mailbox cold hand weathered with time I now see death as a staired decline I got no time for a rusty poke gate this situation needs to be stimulated
Perfect.. good old double spaced poetry.. gets all that other gibberish off the screen...sooths the mind like ice cream.. Although i find that ice cream stings the mind.. We are all well aware of the ice cream headache... shock back too much ice cream.. Chill some nerves and let the fun begin
January 19, 2003 Long week soon ready for another.. This is the scoop.. So far the Hobbs Chronicles and Shockk's picture/Music of the week has no contributions.. It looks like the Shockcenter will be relocated in March.. The hockey Tournament is on.. My back is fucked.. Roadbed is in great shape on the new music front.. Carl Fatman has not been seen since his incident at the Ford theater.. And the Roadbed release Autopilot.. a 5 song EP is mostly rock and should be ready soon. The story I have been writing is getting weird and very confusing and I am thinking of not carrying on with my original idea of posting it as a separate writing exercise.. Just what we need another subsite of Robertson scribe. So long
January 13, 2003 It looks as though Roadbed is to be evicted from the Shockcenter.. A new company has bought the building and their mandate is to make more money. It looks like they are going to turn it into cubicles.. They make more money than rooms. Just another fine evolution for the old Robertson.. a great step in the wrong direction.. What we in the business call a new all time low.. The kind of concept that is so ugly it must be gotten over with immediately. This after a new road had just been built there.. Good for the old property value but what good is anything when the Shockcenter is making more money storing old tennis racket's and duffel bags and chairs and the excess crap of society.. I declare again that I am just a measly little shitass.. In the grand face of progression.. As Mr. Nestor would say.. They call it progress but I do not see any progress....
January 11, 2003 Something happened and it was good.. It was red and it was alive.. Until of course it was eaten.. Yes indeed an apple fell on me and then I ate it. It didn't even fall that far.. So that is why it was good... it was also tasty. January 10, 2003 A cheap cheater.. Describe if you will the situation.. Heat pad on.. Quiet night.. Pecking.. And oh my god was that a date change! an untruth printed in the Robertson chronicles!... no no no.. the cheap cheater was the damn chess game.. I went to move a pawn up one.. Putting the pressure on a knight but instead moved my own knight into the unprotected line of attack of a black bishop.. As I want to take back that move (under the guise of Physical miscue) I guess the computer was making its obvious move (take my knight with his bishop).. something happened and next thing you know everything was back to where it was before this all happened except I had no knight. Now I don't know how many of you out there have ever sworn at a computer but let me tell you that it does no good.
January 9, 2003 a Mole is an informant.. Is that correct? Sure why not. It is not like it has anything to do with today's writing exercise.. There are now more than one exercises .. Or as Yoda would say "there is another"... or more correctly Yoda did say that to Luke Skywalker.. Now you can google search Luke Skywalker and get to the Roadbed site (it would be option number 8 million but none the less). A reason for doing becomes the reason for not deleting.. Hidden meanings and everything. Did some rearranging of the old house the other day .. and opportunity to throw things out.. i.e. a disaster. Need help.. Must do.. I know I signed up for some school.. It is a business course for entrepreneur's of music.. That is as close to me as any school description has ever come. Six sessions of 2.5 hours of sitting on Saturday afternoon.. Death come quickly I was out the other day and some dude came up to me and said "hey you are Carl Fatman".. I'm thinking what kind of world is this Where a good old fashioned Rock and roller can be mistaken for a Distinguished Journalist.. So I sais to him "no man I'm a media critic not a rock critic".. he smiled. If I could have it back I would have said Distinguish journalist rather than rock critic.. Live and learn.
January 8, 2003 back to ye old shithole form where a date is an object.. I have been having chess nightmares.. I have been playing a computer that can calculate every option faster than I can remember the name of my horsey.. Best not to get too attached to it though because sooner or later the horse will go down. This often happens at the hand of a Bishop and I am often in check once this happens. One time not to long ago I came out with a full fledged attack I even had time to think that I was winning.. Next thing you know my queen was gone and then out came the black horses.. It was truly horrifying. They can do so much when handled correctly they can protect and defend territory.. Once set up they often remain in one spot basically limiting the game to my side.. Even the computers pawn defense can be impenetrable where as my pawns tend to get in my way.. Obviously with that attitudes I will never be successful.. Yesterday I had him down to only I rook... but his pawn distribution allowed him a quick queen. It is quite eerie to see a pawn transform into a queen in front of your very precious Kings eyes.
January 7, 2003 Almost got nailed by a dog today. Occasionally I even amaze myself with my ability to accelerate and leap over fences that have 3 feet of garden in front of them. If you don't make it over the fence it will be very bad.. You would land on the fence (very painful).. the mass of your body would fall back into the jaws of an insane maniac dog that has been waiting for this day for a very long time.. The parts of your body that have been hooked onto the rusty wires atop the fence will rip and tear as the body thrashes around as the last defense mechanism (random flailing and screeching).. so we all agree that not making it over the fence is NOT an option. Therefore once you have taken flight you must think about a landing and the first step will be to get over the fence and maintain balance.. This is where one will often allow for a hand gouge atop the fence.. Get the hand on the top and then recalculate.. Ask yourself .. Am I going to make it? if yes then carry on with the landing.. If no then ask... can I get my center of gravity over the fence? if yes then do so.. If no then think What can I put in this Mutts mouth?. Now the whole time you should have been hollering and screeching and barking the word no with absolute authority.
January 6, 2003 What is the meaning of all of this and how many times do we ask ourselves this.. It has come to my attention that there are humans out there who want to do as little work as possible.. They aspire to nothing.. They want to sit and play at their computer all day. That is the truth.. Here we are in an era of the useless. How does this happen to people.. Is work really that bad? Is there no fear that they will not be able to live one day. I know a guy like me needs to eat good food and sleep in a warm bed.. Hell maybe even retire one day... that and the fact that I like doing things keeps me going. How do others remain happy doing nothing is the question that I cannot get my head around.. But hey all I got to do is get my head around what I am doing.. Later our hero remembers about the exponential curve that is refered to as the population growth of the species homo sapines... its OK all we got to do is get along an work together for the good of the planet.. what is a Fossil fule again?
January 4, 2003 Book is a more friendly word than Novel... Novel alludes to some form of writing that has a story and some characters.. a plot perhaps. Book seems to refer to a physical stack of paper bound on one side with a cover. The cover was probably a protective measure first.. And now a sales tool. I am quite sure one could have many mighty disagreements over what is printed on the cover.. But for now we hear a hockey game below and some congas in the room next door. Logarithm or log as it is written on the calculator button.. A thing in mathematics that goes from 0 to infinity.. And I believe it does this at quite a pace.. I don't know why anymore but I find it a nice metaphor on trying to get things done It was a dark December day and all Allan's and Amy's alliteration brochure began being brought to Tom Twains townhouse. Tom Twain who wanted no part of this story began protesting immediately.. unfortunately our author couldn't give a ducks quack and proceeded. For the years of listening were over and it was now time for a steady decline. This is of course the end result of refusing to listen.. Hagnan could even remember his father Harlo tell him so in the backyard of their home in wonderful Scarborough. Harlo was explaining how it was ever so important to always listen and watch the omens that he failed to notice that a bald faced hornet had dropped on his head 3 times.. The 4th time came with a little extra punch if you know what i mean.. Just to be on the safe side Harlo nipped down to the emergency.. Hagnan went and started a forest fire.. By nighttime all was normal again. Hagnan was about 12 years of age when the dreams were first realized.. Hagnan could fly in construction sites.. Often he would fly up to the attic foundation boards and then float back down again.. it was that feeling he liked so much. He described the feeling as levitation stomach, but only to himself of course.
waiting for the dryer to dry... i enter the dust disaster...a laundry exhaust tube cleaning... woof and pow and the air is full of particulate matter. i would like to feel something wonderful.. Like a new song.. The old window of creation where everything is young again. I saw canned ham and the Christ killers at the Pic last night.. The Christ killers played with one mic only and for the first part of the show the mic was backwards. Nick the soundman (famous for his camera skills in the Carl Fatman Show) was going through some hairy moments.. Canned ham when from hilarious to pathetic.. I wished Stoke was on stage as I could have used a dose of some good black and blues. We will wait for the new year I guess. Ah the dryer is done Laugh what a strange word at least it looks happy.. Happy looks happy too. Fire.. I hate cereals she exclaims!.. and now I am eating cereal as a a snack .. I just want some salt and vinegar chips or some bugels.. Something with a higher lard and salt content.. But then out hero wakes up and wonders.. Why would I dream of this.. And of the few dreams I was able to remember why was this one chosen . This was what was left of the old ways.. But now we start fresh.. Welcome to the chronicles 2... If I only could.. No don't think just do!
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