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welcome to the Robertson Chronicles II January 21, 2004 Well, i guess that month slipped away. Probably best the less said from Robertson the better. Hockey is good, Roadbed is kicking ass, Canada Lynx Records is looking promising. My back has been good... less time sitting at a stupid dumb ass computer pecking fool nonsense. Everything is good, the omens are aligned... this is going to be my best year yet... or possibly my greatest disaster is lurking ahead waiting for me to step on the proverbial banana peel. December 24, 2003 No stress this year... There is a tree in my home that is massive and beautiful. Guests are arriving, beer is cold in the fridge, 5 cartons of Egg Nogg, I spent lots of money but all on things that will be used and appreciated. A little though goes a long way. I just read difficult music and it seems things are good with the mule... he likes Christmas you know. Oh I am getting called... I'll get my 10 most annoying things of the year done soon. December 12, 2003 "The Labor board declares this an Illegal strike"... one of the shit eating papers in Vancouver BC It is hard to find more irony in so few words. Kind of like an Illegal war that nobody will ever be charged with. But hey, workers are disposable, the élite money class needs to be taken care of. What is a legal strike? I'll just leave that one... the bile just rises and out comes a sarcastic cackle. Canada Post was on a "legal strike" for 3 weeks a few years back.. It ended when the Government made it Illegal and imposed a settlement that was worse than the deal that was offered in the first place. Legal strike = ruling by poverty I bet the people on the labor board are all fat.
December 8, 2003 Brian Wilson was quoted today for saying "The ocean scares me". Indeed, but hardly a proverb de jour. Another ship of clowns sets sail on an ocean of possibility... the only sure thing is that they will fail to capitalize, due to a lack of truly understanding what is needed. Borne upwards on the wings of wax, step inside and let me show you what it's like to be needed. I myself am restless.... tired. Write something inspiring..... a big effort. Cry ... Why? is that a poem? Recall that poetry is a jackass sport. Never judge a person on what they haven't done... unless of course they haven't done anything... which makes them a loser and you should never talk to losers..... if I recall the closing line of Fear and Loathing on the campaign trail... "Around midnight, when the rain stopped. I put on my special Miami Beach nightshirt and walked several blocks down La Cienega Boulevard to the Losers' Club." Brilliance, makes me want to open a bar called the Losers' Club... we could sure use one around here. December 2, 2003 At one point it looked like a great day and in a way it was. My rage hero told somebody to Fuck off at 6:45 am, then somebody else told another person to do the same in an unrelated incident. There was the usual gibberish, some good headphone music in SIMIAN, breakfast had ample comedy and good balanced diet. The rain held off and things went smoothly... until I got home and found that the deadbolt was fucked. The signs were all there... worn key.. tricky lock and today was the day that marked the end. I tried it for about 20 minutes... and then I flew into a rage and almost kicked the door down. I got a good swift kick in and then I told my self to relax. I assumed a cross legged sitting position and began to breath. Moment later our good man the caretaker a Romanian man and good Roadbed supporter got involved. I explained the situation and gave Alex the key... he fell into my earlier rhythm powered by a brain that say's don't give up man you are just a turn away from home.. Just another millimeter. We looked at various break in options... the bottom line A false alarm costs $30, a locksmith costs $80, and smashing that fucking lock out and putting a new one in would not only be therapeutic but save on the bottom line... I had already decided to get a new lock 10 minutes into my first session with that son of a bitch lock after a 10 hour day... I needed tools and to make a long story short.. Myself and three other fellows form the building smashed that fucking lock good. So later at home depo.. In the deadbolt department...our hero's temper begins to murmur...
November 30, 2003 Sim goes for a goes for a little bit of the old truth serum and describes what he thinks is all real... but little does he know that flowers don't grow outside in the wintertime unless they are a frost resistant crop of little bushes of flowers that have the power to adapt. A reminder.. Do not try to make sense of that... Cents = pennies in my world. Pennies in my pocket putting holes in my jeans and then into my shoe goes a penny that works it's way into a problem. Recording gear and patchcables.. And now she is singing tip toe through the tulips. The Internet is a horrible disappointment for someone who has a low tolerance for gibberish and solicitation. November 21, 2003 Great music days again. It is the groove and the flow and the confidence. I recorded 10 songs in 5 hours... Roadbed played an excellent inprov/ known material show at UBC with our good man Brock Pytel
November 2, 2003 Rhyming in the history of music. Serious Vs joking, good Vs bad, in and out of context, ironic or just plain dumb. Has a shot been taken at something... is there any further discussion... as the discussion itself is so painfully open to the ideas of idiots, it will indeed ruin a good vibe. Things happen, some of them happen for reasons and others are like random shooting stars... done. A shooting star is excellent for the guy on a mountain with a beer in his hand, 4 beer in his system, and a couple of more beer in the river. Beyond that it is particulate matter (like a meteor) that burns up in the earth's atmosphere due to the increase of the force of friction that comes with an atmosphere. Humans never travel at that speed so it is hard to imagine... Imagine you are driving on the freeway and the faster you go the harder it to stick your hand out the window... nevermind this analogy.. Never stick your hand out of a moving vehicle. Say you jump off a high diving tower and do a belly flop imagine the pain.. Now speed up a couple of thousand miles per hour and hit the water... you would be torn to shreds. Happy thoughts.. stretch and breath deeply
November 1, 2003 I need to get some work done. My latest attempt at that will be this next week... I have 2 days booked in a recording studio with an engineer that can play all kinds of things and has a head full of ideas... that would be a producer.. What will happen... just wrote something about God.. Then I deleted it... very rare for me to delete... passenger pigeon species gone delete. That was one of my favorite lines. That song could still stand as our greatest work of art. the key to that statement.. Just went for a major house pacing arguing with my ghosts session... in the end I concluded that I am one fortunate individual who has suffered great pains but has learned clearly from that. The chicken EP. Knockin' Dog the second CD... some excellent moments and some of the worst rubbish ever recorded? Why did that happen Chapter thirteen. The back room board decisions that were horribly fatally flawed... what caused those decisions... what could possibly justify this nonsense. There was reason, it was just plain wrong. Autopilot, the underachieving CD EP that marked the other end of the saga that completed the OMEN that came to me in 1996 at the Hungry Eye. Is musically excellent... except for some bad singing on a track called Honest beardman. But hey that's why you call the song Honest beardman... and you should be a little off considering the words. October 29, 2003 two dollar fucking mail in rebate... better than a free big mac.. Screw the capitals, anything calling itself food and smothered in that much sauce deserves nothing. Always heavy with the mayonnaise products. I don't know what the hell my point was anyway.. Oh yea... with some film you get a $2 mail in rebate.. With others you get a free hamburger or equivalent product.. Is you product good enough to make it in this high standard world. The poignant comedy being in the words "high standard world"... So a friend goes canoeing near the rifle bird sanctuary only to see the hunters just outside blasting away at the ducks. Horrified, she is, however There are two point's to see here 1) I don't know how to use a fucking comma, and 2) The hunters are the ones responsible for saving the wetlands and assuring a good duck population. It is a weird irony... those with money and the power and the will to help are those who like to hunt those who benefit from their efforts. In a sense this is a very natural thing indeed. The wolf's pick off the weak deer very early... and as a result the sick are no longer around to spread disease. Because without prey the predator is nothing... I know I would rather go out shooting things than watch some shithole Hollywood movie. The question remains. Do I want to spent the 96... holly shit there is no fucking cents sign 4¢... I tried control 4 and then option 4 and bingo... getting better with computers... starting to not be able to fly off in some insane rage... well not really.. Back to the 96¢.. do I fill out the form spent the 96¢ and get on some god forsaken mailing list to get a $2 check that will probably cost me $1 in service fees to cash the check. I get 4 cents.. Well more with the currency conversion.. Probably 25-26¢ to stimulate the economy.. Good for the postal business and good for the banks. Except I hate the economy... the word just irritates the shit out of me... the word cost has only 1 meaning. The sentence {That will cost you clean air and drinkable water, which of course is essential for life.} Has no relevance because of the word economy. October 26, 2003 Will those of you who consume recreational narcotic substances, please PLEASE label your custom baked goods if you're going to leave them around - someone who accidently eats them may actually not want to get fried. The question remains.. How does one accidentally eat something that is in a fridge? Let alone 4. Indeed... to quote Mick Jagger"you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need. Super needs dummy dots. Yes. He does rely on the specific markings of an instrument, or to a greater extent, the markings of things in this world. The more accurate and poignant problem is that if the person you are playing with is playing in the wrong key, but they are so convinced that it must be you, they can no longer see or hear anything. Not even dummy dots can help then as there is no chemistry. Ultimately these things are just a moment in time... the ultimate lesson is to never assume anything. As my grade 7 teacher use to say... when you ASSume you become an ass. But hey who is keeping score... well besides me... we all are and anybody who isn't is a damn fool. We need to learn our lessons, we need to know why things happened? Ego murders serenity. Don't forget that. Ego murder's everything that is beautiful. Crimminy I think I just ruined the Ego murders serenity line.. I should have stopped there and done some back stretching.. But I got all high and mighty and began to see through the vision of a prophet. Indeed. October 21, 2003 Hockey season and I think redemption is in order... scratch that thought... redemption is a must. There are no excuses for one who sees his life before him... Just like lower abdominal muscle's are the key to a healthy back, a winning team is key to a healthy life. There was a guy in front of the building who was going to play some hockey and of course have some beers (said with a smile). Indeed beers and hockey go well together.. Beer after hockey... this is a known combination... so I suspect the skill level of one who needs to add that. Hell, all power to the guy, any good life includes hockey and beer... you are fooling yourself it you think otherwise. Similar, in a way, to bands that worship smoking grass too much. Although grass and music have a place together, often times a functioning communication orientated unit can do without the grass. Tell that to the hard core folks that alter reality as a morning ritual. Nevermind all of this nonsense.. I got game to get back, and NOW's the time. Come Easter 2004 we will dominate in Toronto. Like the cake that sentence stands alone. SR October 19, 2003 Don't mess with tigers. I remember the time I was biking to work out in Richmond when I saw a tiger. There was some stripper in town who did an act with a Tiger.. Her camper and the tiger were in a vacant parking lot with pylons marking the perimeter of what I assume was a don't go there zone. Well the tiger was watching me go biking by... we had that predator/ prey like interaction where my heart rate tripled. There is no fooling when a tiger comes at you. A few years later I wrote a song with a few friends the words went...
Rambling come with gambling and the wet drenched shower that is left behind On the road I saw a tiger from a strip tease show Big thing's a Tiger There is no good reason to be a liar Clouds ground me cause I'm so high 2 worlds one life, I scrape the fire and ash the garden the world looks in from the outside.
October 14, 2003 yappy yap. Hey, that is not a proper sentence. Nor is that jack but who is really keeping score. The only thing that matters is what sells dude. If you can get five bucks off the hottest new flicks by getting a double sized soft drink that is totally rad. Who knows, that might be the future world leader up there on the screen... everything detonating behind him. Ronald Reagen starred with a chimp and then years later went to town on the environment further polluting... ah but that would have happened anyway. There is 100 thousand jackasses in line with the big dream of being the hotshot that rides shotgun on the money train.
Roadbed. Things going well with the new multiple drummer deal. We need a bit more of a groove in the sense of a more regular rehearsal but that will come. Kind of like the first couple of skates of the hockey season.. a bit rusty but the fun is all there and some good stuff happens anyway. I must say I have been getting a kick out of going in and playing live with no rehearsals and a drummer who has not played with us before. We have the framework established but it opens up the songs for surprises... WO the CBC news just came on and they are talking about UN security council meetings.. USA has vetoed one and is putting another one on the table. I wonder how much money all of those people make to sit on that council. It is hard to remember good things in this world when it is so totally and irreversibly screwed. A punk rock show was canceled in Montreal (Exploited), due to border troubles so people overturned cars, broke windows and then there was talk of a fire... another fine example of people not helping their specific cultures image. One of the things i have learned in my life is that violence and destruction... nevermind. October 2, 2003 Attack Dustin! the new motto around here... any sonofabitch who would give honest Robertson a sleuth foot, revel in the glory of it and then attempt to pass it off as an accident only to then burst into wild maniacal laughter at the concept of an accident. Then he tripped over the puck and tried to call fowl after jamming his skate into my stick. Indeed Hockey season is back. The best idea will be to train with Dustin on a line... I can see a couple of good scraps if we are to continue to oppose each other. So far the back is good, but then again here I sit and type gibberish for ... What reason? The reason is irrelevant.. Routine is key to the gentle exercise of self improvement. September 27, 2003
So a group of scientists do some research on "rave drugs" that was funded by a totalitarian fundamentalist religious zealot when it suits them of a superpower government. There mission was to do experiments on the dangers of ecstasy. But in fact what they did was administer a totally different drug and got results from death to permanent brain damage. The study generated much more funding from the government, got published in a highly regarded science Journal which then received massive press and the passing of new laws. Later it was brought foreword that the scientists "erred" and actually administered the wrong drug and of course had to issue a statement to that affect in that journal (so that science won't become tarnished). No press was given to this... a major gaffe that insults the word science.. But no mention of this. Mr. Black fears many things. One of them is that the house next door that has a few first year University students living there will have a rave and people will end up throwing bricks at his house. Not to say that I have anything against throwing bricks at houses. I told him he should look into getting some tear gas canisters in case he needs to fight back.
September 23, 2003 Nice tea pushing the clouds through my ears. Steam rises and powers the turbine. Now what if the world were covered in solar panells...Would global warming be reversed? I lie like a sweathog under the blankets exorcise this fever be gone. Nothing makes sense in the world of random thoughts... just another window of opportunity that got closed before the idea came strong. Somedays i don't even know what i am doing anymore... good thing for work.. a reason to get out of bed in the morning. I have been in bed a lot lately.. Struck down with the disaster of a sickness. Kind of like a cold/flu with a surprising amount of of phlegm. The phlegm even smells bad like a rotting horse carcass. Now recall again that I am a scientist rather than your average blog diary writer. One should use one's sense of smell to help diagnose one's ailments. September 18, 2003 I got robbed the other night... not too bad just a bicycle seat and a ruined lock. Interesting that it happened soon after documenting my irritation over giving a beggar money and trying to avoid another $5 fee... it is a rough life for some... my life is good and has always been that way... pardon for a few years where I lived downtown on the wrong side of the tracks... believe you me sometimes cheap rent has an enormous cost. September 16, 2003 Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe. That came to my e-mail today and it is better than anything I have ever written. Indeed. A brilliant observation. Do the math on this one. Apply the same scale in pop music but make it governed more by money and less by communication. That is a 2 line thesis paper worth more than 200 tons of gibberish printed on acid washed paper. It is like having symbols for words which makes our vocabulary base a littler more than abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. Poor old English bastards with their proper procedure fatally flawed.
September 15, 2003 Put it on a list of things to do! A good old multipurpose saying around here... I guess three dot's signifies a new random thought. That idea came from the Internet search engines. It is always three dots. I use to put more dots if I thought the thought should be longer.. Two dots is a typo. Live and learn and everything is changing in this world. My problem now is how to think calmly when what I really wanted to do was go and play drums but the sanctuary is full of people and now I am here not drumming but describing. Which I guess is OK.. One could do worse than describe. The squirrel gathers nuts in a man's world. I gave a bum 50 cents today... well a scruffy dirty guy who followed me into a pizza slice place while I was in Canada Post uniform. He has some change in his hand and he asked if I could give him some change to buy a drink. I normally never give out money but I thought what the hell I am tired and hungry and I don't have the strength to argue. So I give the guy 2 quarters and he looks down like I just put a lump of shit in his hand and says "Can you give me enough to.." At which point I cut him off sternly and said "I gave you 50 cents" he looked at me like I was an ass hole. The other strange confrontation that I had was the other day at the gym... They have this new "electronic" swipe card which saves members the "hassle" of signing in. They told me that I could get one for $5... I replied that I would never pay $5 for that on general principals. The staff was taken aback (heads swayed back on perfumed necks)... one even said "well eventually it is all going to be like that so you are going to have to pay it sooner or later"... I then proceeded to break into a patent S Robertson cackle.. As I walked toward the change room I got to use one of my favorite words. The word is rue. They just think I'm weird but I am beginning to think I am the only normal one left. September 9, 2003 We are through the looking glass. a fine multipurpose statement, it says something without really saying anything. That is what our good world has come to. There is a picture of Arabs on the cover of time magazine today. They looked mean and behind them was the two towers smoldering away and the caption read "which side of terrorism is Saudi Arabia on". A shocking piece of hate mongering if I have ever seen one. I think it should read "Humans and money always lead to trouble" and then maybe a story on North Americas insatiable appetite for fossil fuel's.. You could then slip into environmental degradation and do a story on all of the times cleaner power alternatives have been squashed by the governing money class. I mean sure it is easy to hate others who look different but is the pay off really worth it.
September 8, 2003 From this dream I saw a diary burning. Everybody was cheering. The television was broadcasting some election results and the new man on the job was a fool. Hard to know your dreaming anymore.
August 17, 2003 Roadbed sucked turtle cocks tonight. Well actually it was last night. The end of an era.. Drummer two stick hobbs is no longer with the band Roadbed. What will come next one can only guess. I would say that it will be a fresh new vibe. Pun intended. Now is that a real sentence... I guess I should get that right now that we have gone pro. Humour indeed. Defiantly not a sentence but what does my 4:41 am mind know about proper English. When I was in high school English I would always end up with an erection.... most likely a hormonal thing... or is it absolutely a hormonal thing... I was rarely aroused... just soo bored that it happened none the less. The big question remains. Why do I speak of my puberty era erections on a night like this? Firstly I would say that there has yet to be a night like this and secondly I am a seeker of higher truths. Any embarrassment that I may have over this issue is surely overridden by what we call "bone scientific data".. if it happened then it follows that it could be explained. Therein lies the science... note I spelt lye wrong... wow a double joke ba boom I better go lay down and get some sleep August 9, 2003 don't irritate the knuckle... for the knuckle is a musicians friend. Knuckle head. Knuckle head is an old fashion insult.. I prefer "snake in the grass". There we were in English class and our teacher a pleasant religious woman was speaking.. "If I were to call you a snake in the grass, you would be shocked and feel badly"... it was at that time I burst into a cackle and decided to go around referring to people as a snake in the grass. If fact it was the greatest literacy leap I made that year.. Inspired to use imagery. And on that level, hissing "why you snake in the grass!" says more any day than "piss off". Wow I just took a major blow to the head... funny how now nothing else matters.. I just want to get right... sharp pain and the anger of "how the hell did I allow this to happen".. I should go and play some drums.. Beat hard and furious. August 6, 2003 My little niece turns 3 tomorrow... so innocent and sweet.. I shall see her soon. Little kids have a good way of screening for potential play partners. Kids go around and test people.. See who will react... drag that person into a playing scenario.. Next thing you know SR is dizzy from doing too good of a helicopter imitation.... this happened on the weekend.. The usual situation... a kid under the table poking at legs until a hand come down and grab's.. a small game Of peek-a-boo soon to be followed with a full out session on the open grass. For me I would rather play with a child than listen to an adult try to justify their life... or possibly I would rather play with a child than have to justify my own life. Yes that reads better.. No need to insult others.. Insult yourself... some would say don't insult anybody but I believe that to be fool nonsense
July 25, 2003
F1, keys click, describe... as the titanium man said prescribe. Critical mass ride today.. That is where hundreds of cyclists bike through the Streets of Vancouver on the last Friday of every month... today we got foiled by a couple of bad apples... somehow we kept snaking around downtown rather than going over the bridges.. Too much of a political overtone... probably scares a lot of good people away. I think that the idea of hundreds on bikes taking over the streets is such a massive statement in itself.. One that by the way draws cheer's from Bus drivers, pedestrians, and some motorists.. Too many hard core left wing nutballs... but aint that the downfall of any good revolution. Heavy stuff... I like to call it the Human Being card... the human being card aint jack shit when played head on with the economy card.
July 22, 2003 nightmare.. Or is the word just used too often.. Are we on strike yet or what.. come on you chickenshit fools.. I need some unsanctioned holidays.. I recall my attempt to make a movie of the 1997 Postal Strike.. People wanted no part of ,e and I ended up creating my own space with some raucous drumming and some clarinet honking and some typing... A song was created and later released under the guise of 8 MINUTE MAN... some of the lines I recall were "I'll have to make a mental note to take my shits before leaving the house"... and "and now my fingers are cold which makes me wish this whole thing had gone down in august"... which brings us to a nice July Strike... too hot to strike.. Too hot to work.. I need to spend time on a beach near cooling water.. Hell the idea of picketing is about as useless as an anti war demonstration. Back in the old days the picket lines would physically keep SCABBS from working... our 1997 experience proved to be the King hell of the word Lame...
July 17, 2003 Bird on the window.. Flat in the moment of it's death... the neck broken.. No longer interested in anything.. Way to go poem boy... why don't you just traumatize people... "Good that's what I did"... David West said that.. He was talking about the family Christmas tree... he was twisting on the stand when it snapped.. To which his Father my great Rage hero said "Oh great David why don't you go and snap the stand".. David gave his line and I had to go into another room and put my face in a pillow.
July 12, 2003 the palm is a bad place for a Band-Aid,,,,,,,,, movement and all,,,,,,,,,,, fine worn skin free of grabbing hairs July 10, 2003 The world is a very big place in the company of salesmen the idea that everybody seemed to be natural lies The conventional wisdom is that of error.. The sheer fact that nothing was meant to be.. When I hear distortion it does not bother me all of the time.. For I am a rock and roll artist in a world where Rock and Roll sold out years ago.. Hell it sold out the day it was born.. I got to get right July 9, 2003 Awake is our hero nose dripping eyes stinging.. I came close to macing Hobbs the other day... but I didn't.. a mistake I will have to live with for the rest of my life.. There he was spouting fool nonsense and throwing around the word "professional"... mostly I didn't want to evacuate the sanctuary even though... we live in a lame world.. Not much chance for excitement anymore.. Always somebody around that will try to use the term unnessicary... somedays i wish i could just go back to grade school.. Back then you could just start punching people out and the worst thing that would happen was a tip down to the principals office. I remember a time I got into a fight with Jeff Massey We went at it again in the hall outside the principals office and Mr.; Gough our principal took a left hook right in the beak.. Boy was he mad!.. there was that period of about 2 seconds of shock before a violent explosion of rage. July 8, 2003 long time no write.. Oh well.. Some funny things happened lately.. During most of the occasions I let out a good nerve rattling cackle.. I was actually walking down the street delivering the mail singing "these are the people in your neighborhood".. I was arm in arm with one of the local crazies and we were both singing at top volume... then we went right by a business having a board meeting.. I was suppose to be delivering that particular businesses mail but as you can see I had other matters to attend to.. The fatal flaw being that... well with the loud singing and all it was virtually impossible to just float buy without being noticed.. Later on the bus when the busdriver left his seat to come back and ask for my Canada post identification card "you are the strangest looking mailman I have ever seen".. when he got close he realized that I was in fact in full uniform... and I showed him my ID.. he apologized saying that I looked "too cool".. What else are you going to say.. People are all so touchy about these things.. I know that it is his job to do that kind of thing... maybe some supervisor was on the bus and he had to do it . The guy at the liquor store has to ask for ID... there is no way around. It is not even a matter of a judgment call it is a matter of policy that determines if you can stay in business.. defiantly not a light issue
June 23, 2003 Good old fashioned roadbed jam tonight.. There i was playing bass and feeling the fine vibe.. Appreciation that is often overlooked for some inane reason. What a great band to be a part of.. I can't think of a better band in the world that I would rather play in. And there we have the bottom line.. So this is a good thing! Doing what I want with who I want... Boy how the old life and come around when you stay steady. Still frustrating in the sense that I feel that we work too slowly.. In retrospect I do not feel that but while in the motion I feel it.. Like being in a car and wanting to get somewhere and the driver goes at 10 km/h stopping here and there to rummage through garage sales, flee markets, and then possibly going to talk to an insurance salesman.. The insurance salesman would promote the fear that you have no security.. Something that I am fine with.. I do have a lot of security.. I could use some guns but that would be more for the pure fun of loud deadly violence.. Off topic here.. I wanted to make a specific point of why I hate insurance salesmen.. Well actually all salesmen.. I see them as a jagged extension of something that was totally wrong in the first place. June 22, 2003 getting a lot of junk mail lately and i blame supernova.. This entertainment company that gives bands the "opportunity of a lifetime".. all the writing is on the wall.. All business related band promoting ventures this year have been a complete fiasco.. No big deal just part of the master lesson of DIY.. Do it yourself.. Too many companies offer services that they cannot properly provide... Although very useful the Internet and sales are very annoying... a floodgate of solicitation.. This incredible possibility turned sour by a bad pocket of human nature. June 15, 2003 A new date.. With all of the possibilities remaining.. So far no too many errors.. Less is more so they say in show biz.. But not always... sometimes more is better.. i always say nothing beats a good collaboration.. An opportunity to react to a stimuli.. Like jumping from window to window.. It is all just ones and zeros.. What an amazing thing we call mathematics.. a quicker way to calculate infinity saves the corporation millions.. More than a lifetime of labor snatched from the workforce and they didn't even see it.. Too busy at the union buffet gorging back the smorgasbord paid by the desperate hope of a generation. We are all getting older these days and there is no real hope left anymore... the cell doesn't argue when it is time to die.. It is simply absorbed back into the organism glad to have paid its dues What is a website? I would say that it is totally overrated... an example please.. no thanks i want something in my hand i can hold and add to a collection... ahh nothing like a little bit of gibberish on a late Saturday night.. Candlelight.. But the damn computer screen ruined the vibe.. aint that the truth he hollers at an empty room with a slight echo.. The same one WhO cant make sense of anything anymore.. Too many lies.. One scientist is now saying that the use of Hydrogen power will be bad for the Ozone layer... everybody saw it in the paper.. They also say that because the byproduct is water then there will be a lot more water in the atmosphere... This is a bad thing?... Kind of like when the earth was covered in forests.. There is this thing called the Hydrologic Cycle ... all gibberish when it comes to making money. June 14, 2003 listening to a little Roger Dean Young... an inspiration I feel so country road.. I bath in the imagery of a dusty day that feels so right... next paragraph I feel not like being a reporter at this time.. Reviews... .. guiding a career into professional hockey. Speaking of my insane maniac fiancee/ girlfriend if we could ever get around to the organizing fiasco that is sure to be a formal wedding... off track here.. I was speaking of that insane maniac who would question my immaculate sense of fashion.. Who erroneously feels that clothes with holes are indeed rags.... An example.. When I was referring to one of my finer garments.. The kind I would save for the most prized occasion she replied.. You mean that ratty old orange thing with the holes in it... and then went on to use the word embarrassment. It just goes to show you that you can lead a butterfly to water but you can't make it drink.. Sometimes I wonder... is it my ability to lead? or is it others inability to follow? June 11, 2003 Misunderstandings ... They happen all the time. One of the great goals one can set to achieve is is to understand is the what and when of importance. A little thing we call seeing eye to eye on things. When unnecessary mission is applied to situations so that meaning is reversed. In the end, rich is ones life Who is able to ponder these things... should there be a comma after rich or a hyphen or a good old fashioned headlock. I like to administer headlocks as a means to settling a dispute. Clearly this has lead to some misunderstanding, but once you realize that the talker is not seeing things then no more words are necessary... because it is headlock time. I recall a time when a 50 year old Danish man had me in a Bear hug We were into the beers at work and Lloyd my boss.. Sort of.. He was the caretaker of the cemetery .. I did labor related work there from time to time... ah laughter I have found thinking about all of those days.. He was a soccer goalie a man with a huge pride.. Picture a smaller man in his 50's in cowboy-like work boots, long blond hair, huge beer gut, and a heart of gold diving for a soccer ball grunting "No Fuckin way Kid"... What he meant was that Chris boy and I were not going to score on him. The only problem was that when we put our minds to it we could score on him...which would in turn raise Lloyds ire and have him demand another shot... One time.. ah nevermind so you get out of bed and what's in your head Quiet and man and guitar Think of something from the physical world
June 9, 2003 The CD player rests on the CD burner and there are some business cards around yet no business.. Ill give you some business he remembers telling the smart alick. In the shade our shady vagrant begins to smell again. I have gas myself and it is not a pretty thing.. I kind of smell like a wet St. Bernard. June 5, 2003 A couple of days back to back on the old naked beach and I am back in form.. I figured why I like wreck beach so much.. It is a place where you can be alone and that's OK. Also the cold beers and relaxed substance policies make for a certain vibe as well... OK you got me it is all about the beers.. I can be naked, playing music and have somebody come and deliver an ice cold beer for less than it would cost me to go sit in a bar. Indeed. When I was in London England I would go to the pubs an write.. I think all of my note have since been thrown out by an over zealous cleaning and tiding session that was sponsored with good intention freak.. But none the less the recollection of a nice Strongbow cider attack and the dim light of a 100 year old pub sends a creative jolt through my system.. It is quiet.. Make that calm... and the thought just flow until it is time for another. Today I will watch the hockey game.. Game 5 of the Stanley Cup finals.. It would bee a good way to keep my skin out of the sun (considering how much UV I have been hit with lately. Which reminds me.. There are still many who don't use sunscreen or protective clothing.. Only humans would be capable of understanding but yet neglecting to do so.. They will probably even whine when it is time to face the consequences.. Me I feel pretty confidant that I will take a Melanoma if I live long enough.. Too many years of outside labor.. It will be the death that will relieve me from the agony of a damaged spine and total artistic failure. See the wrong in them and change and they will se the change in you and learn wrong.. They will just think you are a paranoid moron who should be ridiculed
June 3, 2003 my horoscope included.... Riddles and omens play largely in your day to day life... and then You are being summoned to respond to the relationship you have with yourself. Or more accurately.. I'm doomed and every bad omen that came and made a shantytown on my back is about to cash their check. I will be exposed as the cheap hack everybody always knew I was but were just being polite by saying nothing.. Yet definitely noting that something was going on... only it was me smiling for the cameras not even aware of the vulture's circling in the background. A black cat laughed at me today.. Wouldn't let me pet him.. Motioned something about a curse that hung on me like the pungent odor of a sweaty bear in August.
June 2, 2003 so here I was downstairs pacing around the house straightening a tie that I was not wearing.. Thinking all the time about what I should do.. And then it came to me.. An update.. Even the word now spooks my flow... squinting,staring, stagnantly now wait it is coming back through alliteration therapy I can now think and write.. Do not stop.. Do not think of what it was that got you off track.... interesting... now i have forgotten everything.. i am calm... Screen door I put one on this weekend.. All went well.. I was reminded of some of my poorer carpentry work before I set on task... This proved to be a brilliant move.. Except that I broke a drill bit... a little thing called collateral damage... I was afraid that might happen. I was even going to call a friend to see what the differences between Wood and metal drill bits would be. I have a massive drill bit box that I am sure has both.. Actually there are 3 complete sets.. However I realized at the last minute that if I made that call... then you can pretty much bet that I would have ended up in a hardware store... walking around looking for some expensive little " thing a ma gigger " that does a dandy job at hanging screen doors. Plus I already had that fiasco where I had to re hang the bedroom door.. let me put it too you this way.. there are a couple of extra hinge cuts on that door.. but it's not too bad... just a couple of open gouges on the face of the door that opens outward greeting someone... like a parent that has hung a few doors in his day... hanging doors can be a real son of a %$@** .. you need a planer and a chisel.. There are always 2 options when hanging a door.. NUMBER ONE.. Do a quick half assed hanging job and then plane the door down to size.. NUMBER TWO.. Do a half assed hanging job and chisel the door frame for a good fit. Clearly any moron can see that the 2 are often combined... in a little thing I like to call the one-two But seriously all I did was break a drill bit.. And the local birds seem to like the wood shavings rabble rattle rum and roll agony you cherish takes its toll I am not a TIGER If I was a tiger I would be pissed off at mankind got to have it all their way.. And then they are still not happy.. And they still cant get along.. And now the tragedy is too big...
nevermind those old thoughts I got to go to the hardware store and buy me a screen door handle SCREEN DOOR HANDLE doorhandle should be one word? SCREEN DOOR HANDLE weird word sandwich SCREEN DOOR HANDLE its like a screen door.. But then it becomes a handle SCREEN DOOR HANDLE probably sold as a door handle SCREEN DOOR HANDLE I should just screw a stick on to the door frame SCREEN DOOR HANDLE If I picked a nice stick and put it on good.. Is what they would want me to say SCREEN DOOR HANDLE there aint no flies on us SCREEN DOOR HANDLE in the last line I accidentally spelt flies fleas SCREEN DOOR HANDLE I don't wan flees or flies SCREEN DOOR HANDLE the object of my desire SCREEN DOOR HANDLE I will find a stick SCREEN DOOR HANDLE you %$%# son of a *&%(&%
May 28, 2003 Planted garden.. Soul feels good... soon the mind will buy into a weeding frenzy. It is at this time that one becomes familiar with the geography of ones garden. This years plant focused on random.. Everything is everywhere.. See what comes up and then prune and transplant your garden into what it needs to be May 27, 2003 Leave the negative years behind That shall be the new idea around here.. Go the proven path, use comedy as your lubricant to the truth.. Life is busy as it should be. We need to exist in a productive cycle. I opened up some of the 21 tandem repeats pro tools files.. Work needs to be done... I need singers.. But none the less a movement to finish works must be undertaken.. a frenzied week of work that would leave me babbling more than usual.
I like breakaways.. At least being on them. Goalie (or as Jean Cretian would say ..Goaler) vs. offensive player. The one who is patient, calmer and in position will often win the battle. In my mind I often don't know what I am going to do.. Which would make me hard to read.. Which is an advantage. Hence I like breakaways May 26, 2003 E mail phopas.. My greatest disasters 2001-2003 Forward... in essence.. The greatest all time low occurred at Broadway and heather when S Robertson slipped into a psychosis and hand printed a disparate plea that contained a Roadbed Hits" list. He then proceeded to give it to a commercial radio station. An instant look at the messy brown envelope drew the eye too large block letters saying "Please play Roadbed". This was mostly because the word please was initially spelt wrong and had been scratched out to the point where it was unrecognizable. Although, some are more shameful..
Abort this exercise... one needs to focus on the good in the future... and all that one can do in order to be happy and full of love. Fuck that shit we need action, humiliation, fear... the kind of stuff that can support a healthy grudge I had a yappy dog on me today at work... the owner giving me the old.. "He won't bite", yet the owner cannot heal the dog but rather chase it around hunched over awkwardly... No big deal I had a nice thick magazine that that dog was going to get in the snout if he got into range... maybe it was a she?.. I like the word mutt. You can say things like What the hell does this mutt think it's doing" .. it would often happen like this.. My Dad would look out into the garden and see a dog digging up his compost (Dad has been onto the compost for 35 years.. He went to OAC) and then he would say.. Holy bleep we got a mutt out there digging up my organic.. Quick mark go throw a stone at it I remember baseball.. I had more fun playing ball with my friend Tom... He was a good pitcher.. Played for an American college team.. We would just take turns hitting fly balls to each other. I use to love seeing a fly ball come hard off the bat and realizing that it was over your head and you had to run like hell to make it happen. The same kind of feeling in football.. Watching the ball come in and being where it landed. May 22, 2003 Holy mackerel.. I got a damn music festival to put on this weekend.. What started out as a great idea that got bogged down by some gigs and a serious recording session and the general idea that There are some artists out there that would insist on being paid.. Pass the hat around kind of vibe. I personally hate passing the hat.. Although I must say in England they do that well.. I got a tour of the tower of London... the impenetrable nerve center of the British empire for a few hundred years... I bet WB would know which years. You know that WB.. Always trying to come off knowing more than he should... By the way Bengal Tiger rip's... where was i...Oh yea the music festival that I am to put on this weekend... I have always been a third period player. Accept the idea that "grassroots" is more about a feeling of purity than anything else.. We came, we played, we administered an exam, we mocked and ridiculed and even roughed up a few... there was that long struggle back to the lone washroom stall and all of the mad dash energy when the swirled deal gets closed
SWIRLEY- a term used to describe the action of shoving one's head into a toilet. The only problem is that the Omens are cloudy on this one... As an experienced reader of Omens I believe it could mean that my number is up on this gig and all I'll have to show for it when it is over is a couple of ear infections. May 14, 2003 Roadbed and the ever growing song list... a good review of our songs takes a good night these days and that is all still without any of the songs I play guitar on... not that that ever happens anymore anyway. We played the song SCAM the other day.. a song that walmart is now using in there commercials.. Interesting indeed... I actually taught that song to a girl who works for an ad agency.. Very interesting... a good chord progression. But this is 2003 and they say that everything has been written before.. Which of course is true.. I should make commercials for a living.. I know I'm not a professional.. Only a lucky fool who aint afraid of a chord progression that sounds too good to be true. May 10, 2003 Myself, Dane fortune and some relentless heckling have an appointment soon. Either that or I needed an excuse to use the phrase .. Dane fortune. It came to me on my ride down a bike path tonight... sounds like dame fortune which is kind of sexy when you see it in the right light... what you do is you take a rum.. Preferably some cheap stuff and then you let your vision get clouded... eerie bad memories turn into fill in the blank hero rituals. I wouldn't look for too much meaning in that May 7, 2003 lies, lies, lies.. I made them all up myself because I was bored of reality... it was a depressing period that at the time I thought the only way out was to make up random lies in order to goad a reaction out of specific persons... it wasn't until after a long period of of practice that I actually realized that by altering the reality of today one is indeed toying with the future present.... I guess I would have to say that that was the thing I was thinking about on the grass by the beach when the Frisbee nailed me in the temple. Acute rage and I are close acquaintances.. But rage was impossible in the aftermath of a severe blow to the head... moments later the phone rang and a solicitor called... real first person rage occurs as the survey taking tone is clearly recognized.. May 4, 2003 Talking to my father today he had this nugget... "I have long since slopped worrying about the concept of nerd... All of the people that I know that called me nerd are now dead" May 3, 2003 from the window looking out looking in Falling down don't seem the same when no one's left to blame/ easy come for easy shame and tired is what remains So many song remnant's.. I just referred to myself a chief negotiator.. It was a year ago this month that we bought our home.. It was probably about this weekend that the negotiations turned sour when that weasel of a real estate agent pulled a fast one on us. There was a mental breakdown and a patented freakout... all kinds of excitement... Phone calls and offers and counter offers and all kinds of guilt trips and sly sunrises. It don't matter, it all worked out OK.. actually even better than OK. I went from living in a squirrel infested makeshift attic of a local halfway house... it wasn't actually a halfway house even though it had all of the characteristics.. To living in a spacious clean mulitfloor dwelling.. Not bad at all. I remember buying this computer.. The only computer I have ever had.. There I was isolated up in this attic drinking cheap rum, swatting wasps, and trying to figure out, by trial and error, how to operate a computer. Back in those days a simple procedure would take multiple hours and involve incredible anxiety.. I bet that is what really fucked my back more than anything.. Bad chair at a bad desk all clenched with anger thinking that this was the only passageway for Roadbed to be heard. I always knew that the Internet was sadly overrated.. My parents are now finding that out.. I believe they got their first e-mail from a porn site the other day.. The shock and awe of it all. I remember Dial up Internet connections.. a couple of hours to upload a few songs.. What an awful waste... I never download anything.. As a certified paranoid freak it is against my nature. I still have nightmare's about the peace rallies.. Me dancing alone out in front of the parade holding a sign saying "get your sand off my oil" and then looking up at all of the police videocameras making permanent files. Here is an interesting twist.. I see why the war was needed and that those that led the war were doing what was right for the country. Indeed.. They created Sadamm in an ill fated imposition of democracy.. Therefore they need to remove him, and there is too much of the worlds supply of oil in that country that is too important for the world to not assure that it be used by the important people of the world. The important people are the people with money... namely north americans.. We are the ones that shit in clean water, and buy bottled water, we waste fuel by the truckload, we don't want to change, we get upset when the economy falters, we don't care about the environment.. We care about our personal property and our personal freedom to to what ever the hell we want. Therefore our governments should assure that we can continue on this path racing toward total ruin. For the record I of course had hoped and prayed that after Sept. 11 our contents would move towards living without fossil fuel's.. This would stop the flow of money to these "terrorist regimes" hurting them in the best possible ways.. I had hoped that our continent would become a new leader in sustainable living. It was like I forgot that the Automobile industry for years has stopped all efforts to move from gasoline powered vehicles.. That the Oil from certain beans burns cleaner and better than fossil fuel's.. And all kinds of other neat little breakthroughs that our society won't take advantage of until hell freezes over. Imagine the "powersmart" transit systems that could have been built with the money that went into war.. But people like their cars.. It is personal power. Like I mean last night in Vancouver the home team won game 4 of the second round of the Stanley cup playoffs and every yahoo and his brother was out screeching tires, horn honking and screaming. It usually takes a while after the game.. People need time to get out of the bars and then into their cars for some good old fashion fuel wasting... And if our good man down south didn't assure the flow of the good stuff for the short term future our freedom to do things like that could be in jeopardy.. God bless America
May 2, 2003 The following are now deleted:.. at one time they were messages that could not be sent for various reasons.. I authored them and I will keep anonymous the recipient You must live your life for you and your future When things are a mess walk away There is nothing you can do to make things right So move on with your life Peace and goodwill from across the globe Super Robertson went for a couple of ye old drop and drags artworklook great against the gray very pro fast loading on my end tonight anyway piece of shit modem In the cold basically anyway you look at it Art is a son of a Bitch I see your point... however I choose not to honor it. It does sound harsh but i believe that we need to look beyond the present and into the future where the benefits of keeping good work habits is king. May 1, 2003 Have been having a lot of failure argument's lately. Why does it bother people so much when I declare myself a failure. If you take the given guidelines of success .. I am on the outside looking it. But a successful person has a positive attitude.. So they say.. But I think it is more like a salesman is a salesman and an honest man is an honest man. You could say the Roadbed gets good gigs now and the people that come are of a wide cross section of the population and they come to listen because they really do like the music. That is a success.. Bars don't give bands that don't bring people good gigs. .. however after 10 years of playing live (hundreds of shows between Shockk two Sticks and I) we still can't get a Journalist from this town to report what is happening. That is an unbelievable failure.. We can't get our records reviewed"too diverse, no focus.. And now too short".. another whopping failure. As a result are record sales are a complete failure. It is just raw fact.. Nothing negative.. If it was really that bad then I would stop doing this and move back to Toronto to eek out the rest of my days in my parents basement. A successful artist goes after the teen market.. That is where the money is.. When you see me doing that then I will be a real failure.
April 30, 2003 Well I did those taxes.. I took a bath of legendary proportions. It was the second sting of an RRSP house buying disaster.. Live and learn.. I could have done worse... I could have bought BriX moments before it became worth less than the paper it was printed on. In some ways poverty suits me.. That way I don't have to ever leave the house to be disappointed by the latest movie.. It keeps me out of coffee shops which have papers with the world news ( a key thing to avoid)... I am forced to make my own food which is surly good for the health.. And more time for music and artistic endeavors. My failure to "succeed" has been so steady in the past 10 years, I think I would be lonely without it. It gives me something regular in my life.. I should go gorge back some ice cream... press on for a heart attack. April 29, 2003 Need some happy thoughts.. Think Old Robertson.. OK rather lets go with a set of random descriptions.. He sees one eye looking back at him through the disco ball that hangs on the desk The square below that square is orange The rest of the squares look like mirrors Our hero inches toward success, so slowly in fact that it may seem like he is going backwards. But lets remember that we live in Canada and the hometown hockey team has a real chance to go all the way this year. It is time to live vicariously through others. An example of me living vicariously through others was when I put a light out in the chandelier that was above the chair that was about 1o feet from the television set. There was a hockey stick in my hands and I was shooting a hackie sac around.. Next thing you know Trevor Linden scored a beauty and I was picking up glass.
April 28, 2003 Things I should do right now.. TAXES... or something else. Lets notice the comedy here.. The guy doesn't write for eons.. And then rather than do the last minute tax attack he takes up writing more gibberish.
By rites I should say nothing else. It is just odd.. I have all the stuff.. I have passed University level math courses.. I hate.. I feel the hate.. I am a good citizen.. I do pay taxed and I loose money like a maniac to a band that is suppose to be a business.. I get money back .. yet I still cant find motivation.` April 24, 2003 Long time hooked spine, damn failure that is me may find that rhymes, may victory be seen Bad poet does know it, we must cut down the trees There is money in them trees don't you know. Fucking damn treehuggers. We don't need water you can get it from a store. Oh I know what to say.. We got beaten like a gong in the semifinals of the hockey tournament. Oddly enough we had fun in that game. We were outclassed but it was a good clean game. I got in alone a few times and squandered all of my opportunities. I was not properly focused. But it was a good weekend. I got to hang in Ottawa with Mom and Dad. We saw Eddie Shack who was on his honeymoon. I tried to get my Dad to challenge him to a fight.. He would have none of it. Another odd thing about that .. it was my mother who recognized him. Roadbed sounded good last night.. We just need a good singer. I quite like the Canadian parliament buildings... a good late night vibe.. The lights and the grounds were truly spectacular. April 13, 2003 death and taxes. So they say that those are the two things one cannot avoid. Sometimes I feel like the two are more closely related. A perfect example of simple mathematics gone all wrong. All you have to do is read these long soul numbing documents to realize that you do not qualify. There are a lot of people out there who do not file income tax.. surely why the government nips people at the weekly paycheck level. A good idea if one can avoid thinking about how money is wasted by the ruling class. None of that matters . what we need to do is worry about Hockey. We must win.
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